Sport report

We remember pre-Covid19 days... before all inter-school sporting events and competitions were postponed.
Coaching Yr8 Sport Day (Tennis)
On Friday the 6th of March I was assigned to join the year 8 tennis sport day. We started off walking around encouraging our different players, making sure they knew how the matches worked. After this I was asked to umpire and I umpired court 7, keeping note of who won each game. This umpiring was really helpful as it served as a refresher for me on how tennis’ point systems worked and also helped the competitors focus more on the game. We had two students from Princes’ Hill who were not confident in tennis and did not want to be in attendance, but, once we had given them some tips and pointers, they won a game. This worked as a motivation to them and they were excited to play the games they had on later. Overall, I would say that the day constituted as a success.
Asher Olorenshaw's sports day report