From the Principal

From Mr John Hill, AP, in Mr Price's Absence.

It has been a pleasing term for many reasons with the highlights being the physical signage relating to our Positive Behaviours program relating to our College values of Respect, Courage and Pride and the behaviours expected in many places such as corridors, covered way and classrooms. The work improvements of our students is becoming quite noticeable and the recent growth in many areas in our Attitudes to Schools data from staff and students and also our NAPLAN results indicate strongly that our vision and plans are making an impact on the school. Together we are all contributing – WELL DONE.

If you haven’t visited the school this term you are always most welcome to arrange a walk around. We hope you are as impressed with the signage as the school is. Our College council and the facilities team have been incredibly busy dealing with the initial planning of the proposed Capital works funding. We look forward to sharing with the school community the proposed plans as soon as we are allowed to by DET.

Extra Funding

We have been lucky enough to secure some extra funding for various maintenance programs such as fire safety and grounds. This amount of money adds up to over $200000 and is spread out over 2 years. We also recently received money from the government regarding proposed asbestos removal and we are currently in talks with the Victorian Schools Building Authority about how best to appropriate this money considering the impact on buildings the Capital works program will have.  We had a visit from our local member Emma Kealy with the shadow minister for Education recently for a tour of the current situation. We appreciate their interest and recent parliamentary support speaking about Baimbridge in State sittings. Emma has also been supportive  our recent student excursions visits this year and made sure she was visible and spoke with our students. Thanks Emma.

We are very hopeful of having our views about these types of funds being coordinated and spent in the most efficient way.

School Production

Other things around the school that have made us feel again proud of our school have been the efforts of some students and staff with the School Production. This was meant to be a small affair that morphed into a huge show of high quality. I would like to thank Mr Glenn Hayes for his contribution over and above supporting this project.

Around the School

The grounds staff have made great inroads this year with the new seeding of the ovals and a great deal of tree removal and old vegetation. Your comments and feedback on this has been positive.

Term 3 has also been the traditional time of year for students and families to prepare for next year in terms of courses and futures. A large amount of two way communication has occurred between Year Level coordinators, course counsellor and Careers staff. I thank them for their efforts in meeting with students and parents and trying to provide the clearest picture of what is a reasonable and suitable pathway at this stage of their schooling. Thanks also to our timetable team who are well ahead of previous years in terms of providing a clear staffing picture for 2020 and a timetable that will be quite new and exciting both in terms of subject breadth and also pathway support.


Some letters of both a congratulatory nature have been recently sent out to those students and families we feel are currently supporting the schools values and showing the efforts required to be successful. Sadly, some letters have also had to go out to families alerting them to the fact that their child is not performing in one or more areas of academic, attitude or attendance behaviours that would make it hard for them to progress or show growth.

Please liaise with your Year Level coordinator if you require clarification about this.


It has also been a term for some staff and family tragedies relating to some of our community members and I would like to thank those in a position of care and support in these situations for their professionalism. We are lucky to have the School Support officers nearby and they are a great source of support for many staff, parents and students in difficult times.


Our Year 12’s have a very important time ahead over the next two months and for many it will be a stressful time for both them , their families and teachers. I want to say a pre-emptive thank you to them for their work so far and to wish them all the best over the coming week in their studies and revisions. They have been active with many of our staff in some very competitive Staff vs Student games recently that have provided a great outlet of energy. Mr Price is still reeling from a ball in the face in a recent dodge ball game!


Finally I want to wish all of our school community a safe and restful September break.

School resumes on Monday October 7th.

Regards Mr Hill