Principals Message

Dear Parents,

Thank you for another wonderful year of support. We really appreciate your trust in us and your belief that we will do our best to ensure your children receive a quality education. We are proud of our school and what takes place in our learning spaces. 

This year has seen significant growth in many areas for us as a school. Our Naplan results show that we are above the state. We continue to strive for excellence and our focus on learning will remain relentless as we enter 2020.


The building of relationships is paramount in our job and as we farewell a number of families this year we remember all that they have given to us. Many of our parents have turned up year after year for carnivals, fetes, parent groups, canteen, P&F, Board and working bees to name just some of the things we need parent support for. Many of these parents were so busy timing events for us that they missed their own child’s participation in another event. 

Thank you for everything to the following Year 6 families;

Brownes, Carters, Haines, Henrys, Kennedys, Knowles, Lawrences, Leggats, Merricks, Montgomery-Hutchins, McCumsties, Newberys, Pinns, Roberts-Rootes, Sardinhas, Sams, Scales, Sheedys, Smiths, Straneys, Veli-Golds, Wards, Williscrofts, Wilsons and Winnards. 


I would like to acknowledge Mick Kennedy for his outstanding performance as Schools Advisory Council Chairperson. Mick has been a valuable source of support and guidance for me and a great supporter of St Xavier’s. What Mick doesn’t know is not worth knowing! Thank you also to Glen Pinn for his work as a SAC member. Glen has been a great support over the years. 


Thank you also to Janine Kokegei for her conscientious effort as Schools Advisory Council Secretary. Janine has been a long standing member of the SAC and also the P&F and we appreciate her commitment to these organisations. We also appreciate her work as a long standing education assistant and over the last four years as a teacher. Janine’s passion for learning and teaching is evident every day and we wish her well for 2020 as she embarks on an exciting new role at St Mary’s College.


This morning I had two really lovely unrelated comments from a mother and a grandmother. One of our mums told me that St Xavier’s was the first school to really support the sometimes complex needs of her child and to do it with such love and care. Then when I was visiting the Kinder room, one of our grandmothers said she had observed how quiet the learning spaces were as she walked past and how beautifully the children were engaged in learning. I love a good news story!


I wish to acknowledge the wonderful work of our whole staff. The well being of the children of St Xavier’s is  the primary focus of everything we do, it’s our job, but it’s also our passion. 


I hope all of our families have a wonderful Christmas and an enjoyable break. It’s been a tough year in many ways and we hope we have been able to bring support to those who needed it. Bring on the rain please God! 


Kind regards,

