SRC Updates

SRC Principal video

Our SRC collaborated with Erin, a local videographer, to create a video detailing different aspects of our SRC for the St George Principal's conference. The video showcased our SRC working with other schools and our involvement in activities which develop our leaderships skills and team cohesion.

We were asked to reflect on the process involved in applying for and joining the SRC, and what impact being part of the SRC had on us and the impact the SRC has on the school as well.

After the video was played at the conference, the feedback we got from Danny was that everyone attending the conference enjoyed the video, and people were interested in how we are collaborating with other schools. 

The video was then played at school, and seeing the final product myself, I was proud of my role in the SRC and what we have accomplished, and I think others in the SRC can also feel proud of their contributions.


Harry, Year 12

Rivendell School visit

On the 26th of February, the Student Representative Council (SRC) went on an adventure to the grounds of Rivendell School to have an interschool SRC meeting with the SRCs of Rivendell and Centennial.

To kick off the day, as the official hosts, Rivendell gave everyone a tour of their school grounds to show what their school is like and what programs they run at their school. The school was filled with very nice rooms, facilities and even gardens that captured the eyes of both ours and Centennial Park School. They even had an underground gym!

When the tour was completed, Rivendell had set up some activities and games that helped all three SRCs communicate with one another and also to work together as a team to build teamwork, communication and confidence within each individual. By the end of the activities, it was clear that everyone had become comfortable with each other and from then on, we were split into three different groups to discuss a range of future projects. Each group had at least one SRC member from each school to work together and share different ideas regarding future projects. Each group presented a project to the entire SRC body and explained what it is and how it could be achieved.

By the end of the day, many great ideas were shared and could possibly be put into place throughout this year, like an interschool formal, SRC Camp, interschool soccer game, video call meetings every few weeks and many more.

Rivendell also provided some delicious food throughout the day which was great.


Ryan, Year 12

Further collaboration

Earlier in the term, Rivendell, Centennial and our SRC have been discussing future collaborations. In the last week of this term, a day was organised to trial a video call to see whether it works or not. It was shown to be very successful and could most likely work for future collaborations so all three SRCs can catch up without having to take a day out to travel back and forth between schools. The chat was short, but great because ideas were easily discussed and the call seemed very easy to set up.


Ryan, Year 12