Highlights from this term

OzHarvest CEO Cookoff

On Monday 25th March 2019, a group of students and staff travelled to the Royal Hall of Industries  in Moore park to attend the CEO Cookoff--a massive fundraising dinner for OzHarvest, where celebrity chefs and CEOs prepared a delicious three course meal for over 1,400 people.

Woniora Road School has had a long and positive relationship with OzHarvest, from receiving their weekly food deliveries to students participating in the Nourish program to learn hospitality skills, so it is amazing to see the scale of their food rescue operations. In one night, they raised nearly $3,000,000 which is enough to provide 5,500,000 meals for struggling Australians.

This is the third CEO Cookoff we have attended, and it is always a good night, with quality food being served, high-profile entertainers putting on a show, and an opportunity to spend time with friends from school.

WRS STEMShare 3D Printing Project

During Term 1, the school received a 3D printing kit through STEMShare program.

Students participating in the program learned about how 3D printing works, and how to use a program called Tinker CAD which enables the design and printing of 3D objects.

12 students engaged in the program which was ran as a part of school robotics program. Students designed and printed a range of products including a skull, a phone case, famous buildings, and mini cartoon figures.

Students were engaged in the design and printing process and feedback was that it was an enjoyable program, so we are looking into purchasing our own 3D printer for future use.

Public speaking program

After taking a course on public speaking run through the National Institute of Dramatic Arts, Danny has put on weekly sessions where students can develop their own public speaking skills.

The early sessions were about learning what makes a good public speaker, including vocal and breathing exercises, posture and other body movements, and performance psychology. Armed with knowledge, students then practiced these skills and made recordings at various stages of their development.

On the last day of Term 1, two students showcased their talents in front of the entire school, giving speeches about our trip to Rivendell and Taronga Zoo. Both students were confident, humourous, and engaging.

With the success of the the program, we will be looking to expand it even further next term by putting the public speaking skills to use in a debating program.