Principal's message

Welcome to our new revamped newsletter platform!  As always, we are striving to implement new innovations and we're hopeful that with the transition to an online platform we'll be able to keep our community abreast of all the wonderful achievements, hard work from students and relevant changes that are going on in our school.

2019 is certainly looking to be a very busy year (as this newsletter will attest to), packed with a busy calendar of events led by our Student Representative Council.  We have also welcomed several new students and families to the school and it's been great to see how quickly they have adapted to our context and the warmth with which they have been greeted by our existing student community.  This term has also seen the implementation of a new engagement program in Public Speaking, and the institution of an end of week assembly to check-in on student achievements as well as spend some time together as a whole school prior to the weekend.

I would like to congratulate our class teacher Ravi Rao on his successful appointment to a permanent teaching position here at Woniora Road School.  Ravi has been a large part of our school for several years now.  He is a passionate educator who is always looking to provide the best outcomes for his students. 

I would like to wish all of our families a restful, safe and happy Easter break.  We look forward to our students returning on Tuesday, 30th April for another active, busy and exciting term. 


Danny Callaghan


Woniora Road School