Out and About

Junior Judging

Agriculture students from ASC formed part of 120 students who competed in the Northern Ram Breeders Junior Judging Competition, sponsored by NAB and held yesterday at the Armidale exhibition center.

Everyone who participated found it a valuable learning experience and great opportunity. ...(Drum roll) 2 of our students, who are novices, reached the finals which is a significant achievement for them both.

Well done to Tyler Sutton in year 9 and Lachlan Bryant in year 11!


National Servicemen's Memorial Service

A wonderful morning in Central Park for the National Servicemen’s Memorial Service.  An important occasion and great to see so many young people in attendance, including some of our school captains. 


‘We will remember them’.


ACPS Volunteers

Thank you to the students who volunteered to assist at the Armidale City Public School swimming carnival.  The primary school was most appreciative of your help and the students loved having the "big kids" there.