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Traffic and Parking

During arrival and departure times at Armidale Secondary College our number one priority is keeping our students safe. We would like to thank those parents and carers who are using marked parking areas and ensuring their children are dropped off in a location where they can easily access a marked pedestrian crossing. 


•    Parents and carers are reminded that turning left into Monroe Street during school bus times is not permitted and may result in a fine of $187 and 2 demerit points.

•    Parents currently dropping students off on the southern side of Duval St are asked to continue around into Crest Rd where there is parking available to drop students at a marked crossing.

•    Parents and carers are reminded that dropping students in No Stopping zones may result in a fine of $337 and 2 demerit points.

•    Entering the bus zone at ASC during bus operation times of 8-9.30 and 2.30-4pm will incur a fine of $337 and a loss of 2 demerit points

•    Stopping on or within 20m of a school crossing will incur a fine of $448 and a loss of 2 demerit points.

School Uniform

Thank you to all of the students and families who have made a concerted effort to ensure that the correct uniform items are being worn. We are delighted with the number of students who are in full school uniform and how wonderful they all look. Now that students have settled into routines and are aware of uniform expectations we will be issuing reminders to students and parents about incorrect items that are emerging. These include, jeans, t-shirts and leggings. These items do not form part of the approved uniform list.


The school can offer assistance to families who need to acquire uniform items. Please do not hesitate to contact the front office if you require assistance with uniform and we thank you for your cooperation in supporting the wearing of school uniform.


The uniform guidelines brochure is available on our website. 


Special Religious Education

Fortnightly Special Religious Education (SRE) classes have commenced for students in Years 7-10 for families who have nominated for their children to participate.


In Week 1 Year 7 and new enrolments (not previously AHS or DHS) students received an SRE Participation letter for families to nominate their preference. There are still a number of letters outstanding. Please return completed notes to the Office. Students in Years 8-10 continue with the same SRE/NonSRE preference from the previous year. 


Homework Centre

The weekly Homework Centre on a Tuesday afternoon, after school, provides a secure, supervised homework environment where the student has ready access to staff support, physical resources and computer technology. A snack is provided and drop off home at the end of the session within town boundaries.


It is essential that a permission note is completed by parents/carers prior to the student attending homework centre. 


Does your child play a musical instrument? If so, can you please take 2 minutes of your time to complete this survey? Armidale Secondary College will use your responses to create a variety of opportunities that meet the needs of instrumental students at the college.


Music Survey

Lunch Time in the Gym

Lunchtime and recess activities that are proving very popular are those running in the Gym.  


Monday and Tuesdays:  Volleyball

Wednesday and Thursdays: Table Tennis

Friday:  Futsal


Staff are on hand to give some pointers and encourage any interested students to join in with the activities and add to the already vibrant atmosphere. 


"Wunderbare klasse" says Ms James of the years 7, 8 and 11 German classes that she teaches!


Looks like the students value the classes too.


Valentines Day

Our Year 12 students brought a whole lot of fun into the school on Valentines Day, whilst raising funds for Relay for Life. 


They sang to red-faced students for a small fee and delivered notes and roses.  The group was beautifully dressed as romantic Grecians and sang their way from first to last bell. 

5cent Friday

Angus Brazier (year 9) and his brothers Harrison, Thomas & Hugo decided to raise money for research for melanoma after their father was diagnosed with the disease in 2015 and passed away the following year.  


The boys launched 'Five Cent Friday' a community fundraising campaign that has raised more than $25,000 for Melanoma Institute Australia."Hopefully this money can help saves lives so no one else has to die from melanoma" says Angus.  The boys aren't stopping there, they have shared their story as part of the Melanoma March 2019 campaign and have organised a march from Guyra to Black Mountain on the 9th of March.  If you are interested in joining the march, please check in on their Five Cent Friday FaceBook page. 


More info in video



A case of head lice has been reported to the school.  Please check your child's hair and treat if required.