Secondary 9/10 Learning

In the final few weeks of Term 3 classes are finalising their focus on multiplication, division and length. In multiplication and division the classes have been exploring the different ways worded problems can be solved as well as focusing on the mental strategies that help us in multiplication and division. For example the addition strategy of doubles is simply the 2s multiplication facts, while halving is the 2s division facts. The 3s multiplication facts are doubles plus one more group and the 4s multiplication facts are the double doubles facts. In length the classes have been exploring the concept of one metre and created groups of items that were longer or shorter than one metre. They also did some learning outside and explored the use of trundle wheels when measuring in metres.
In writing the students have chosen a topic to write an explanation about. We really wanted to allow the students to choose a topic that interested them so that they could inject some of their own personalities and personal interests into their work. The students have worked through the writing process of researching, planning, composing and editing and improving to create their pieces. It would be wonderful if you could ask your child what they explained in their writing, was it how something works or why something happens?
In reading we continue to focus on the essential comprehension strategies required to make meaning when we read. We have revisited making connections to the texts we read including text to self (something that happens in the text that we have personally experienced), text to text (something that you read or view in the text that you have read or seen in a different text) and text to world (something that you read about in a fictional text that has happened in the real world)
Professor Bunsen visited us in week 8 and certainly entertained our students with a bang! They were able to see and participate in many different experiments which has helped them make connections with the learning they have been doing in their classrooms. The electricity group is all geared up for their excursion to Scienceworks tomorrow before they try to create a working circuit of their own in the last few weeks of term.
Duke of Ed
The classes are busily preparing for their community service projects with some classes planning on selling artwork at the Christmas barbeque next term, while others are organising an upcoming footy colours day.
STEAM continues to be a highlight on Friday afternoons with the students enjoying the creative and less structured end to the week. The new programs have proven to be a success with the students engaging with the new design challenges and collaborating with a different group of students. The current groupings have a few weeks left to complete their designs.
Community Experience
The PreCAL classes visited the Box Hill Community Art Centre where they were able to participate in decorating a carry bag using various materials. They had to use their communication skills to share materials, communicate their designs and seek support from the workers at the community art centre. They have also visited a different Bunnings store to engage in a workshop to create a book stand. There was lots of maths involved in creating their designs to ensure that the stand was covered in the materials they chose.
In reading the PreCAL classes have been looking at using images to support them in answering literal and inferred questions about the text. They have worked on using the questions What, Where and When to support them in developing their responses. They have also explored inferred meaning by exploring how characters might be feeling based on their prior knowledge and the images included in the text.
In writing the PreCAL classes have continued their focus on descriptive text and have worked as a class to create a descriptive text. They have worked on using the correct text structure and improving their piece by using interesting and descriptive words.
In Maths the PreCAL classes have continued their focus on multiplication and division. They have looked at creating equal groups when sharing in division and creating groups to model multiplication. Some students have also looked at repeated addition and the different groups that can be created using the same number of items. In length the students have compared different items according to their length and have practised using the language related to length to describe them.
STEAM continues to be a highlight on Friday afternoons with the students enjoying the creative and less structured end to the week. The new programs have proven to be a success with the students engaging with the new design challenges and collaborating with a different group of students. The current groupings have a few weeks left to complete their designs.