Old Scholars

Brad's Life of Design


Old Scholar Brad Preston (2006) moved to Sydney shortly after graduating from The Friends' School, to pursue a career in the fashion industry. He studied at the Whitehouse Institute of Design for a time and interned at Studio magazine where he assisted on photo shoots and magazine layouts. After living in Sydney for 18 months, Brad decided to move back to Tasmania to study Architecture at UTAS. After a long five years studying his Masters of Architecture in Launceston, Brad was approached by a firm in Melbourne who offered him a position as a Graduate Architect. After about 12 months in that role, Brad decided he preferred designing the insides of buildings rather than the outside and began working in more of an interior designer role and eventually became an Associate running the Interior Design Department at that firm. Brad recently started a new role at another firm where he works as the Senior Interior Designer, where he leads a team of designers that work on a range of jobs from apartment towers, hotels, retail spaces, offices and single residences. Brad lives in Melbourne with his partner who works as a project manager on large civil engineering projects.

When asked about his memories of Friends', Brad said "I remember my blazer getting wet in the rain and smelling like wet dog. Spending a lot of time walking up and down stairs. particularly in High School walking from Des Tech to SOSE on the top floor of North Block. Have they put a lift in yet?"


Brad's advice to students wanting to get into architecture: "Do what you love! The design industry is tough and competitive, there are times where you will work late, sometimes all night (in both study and work). Make connections. it really is all about who you know and not (always) about what you know."

Thank you, Brad, for sharing your story with us!

Reunion Night - 20, 30 & 40 Years out Reunions

On Saturday 9 June, the 1998, 1988 and 1978 Old Scholars came together to reconnect with the School and each other over drinks and nibbles. Old Scholars were given the chance to take a tour of the School prior to the evenings festivities, seeing what has changed (and what has stayed the same) since they left. Many of the groups decided to "kick on" after the celebrations, heading out into Hobart for dinner and drinks. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend. 

Are your details up to date?

If you are an old scholar and reading this section of the Rose and Waratah it is because we have an email address for you! Unfortunately, there are many old scholars on our database without a current email address.


If you know of friends or family who may not have given us their email address please let them know they can update their details here

or send an email to development@friends.tas.edu.au.


We have some exciting things to report this year and we don’t want anyone to miss out.

Upcoming Reunions

Northern Tasmania Old Scholars’ Reunion

Friday 27 July

Reunion for 2017 Leavers (One Year)

Thursday 13 December

Reunion for 2013 Leavers (Five Years)

Friday 14 December

Reunion for 2008 Leavers (Ten Years)

Saturday 15 December


Make sure you follow the Old Scholars Facebook page for event details and to book