Junior School

House Downball Competition

On Friday the twentieth of September, Year seven students were asked to participate in a House downball competition for the end of term celebration. We split up into Houses and played downball against the other Houses for the whole of the last period (period five). Students from different year levels where umpires and we had four different courts. Some teachers and students were playing music on the speakers and everyone had a go at playing downball for their House. At the end of the day all the Houses played against their own House just for fun and we had a lot of laughs. Almost all the kids were amazing. We had many cool hits and awesome moves from the students. In the end Freeman House (blue House) won the downball competition and it was a load of fun and we all enjoyed it. So thank you to the teachers and the students who helped out and/or joined in.

Molly M 7G


The Downball competition was a great way to end the term. It was a competing event and a great one. It was so much fun to play your friends in a competition that didn’t matter and for fun. I was feeling excited because I was playing a game I love and best of all, with my friends. It was a great way to bond with others and meet new people. It was run exceptionally well and a great way to end a hard term.

Jay K 7I


Year 7 End of Term 3 Celebration

The Year 7s celebrated the end of the term with the annual House Downball Championship with Freeman House being victorious at the end of the day, earning the coveted trophy after some impressive displays of talent. We would like to thank Mr Ingleton for his organisation of the competition with support from Ms Urbarno, Year 12 Head Prefect Mitch Hart, Year 11 leader Callum Rigg and our Year 8 leaders who helped umpire.

Interschool Sport

With the many successes of our Year 7 and Year 8 sports teams at the district competitions earlier in the year, there are a huge number of teams competing at the Eastern Metropolitan Region finals over the coming weeks:


Tuesday 22nd October

Year 7 Boys Hockey

Wednesday 23rd October

Year 8 Boys and Girls Table Tennis

Monday 28th October

Year 7 Girls Volleyball

Friday 25th October

Year 7 Girls Hockey

Year 7 and 8 Girls Basketball

Monday 28th October

Year 7 Boys Table Tennis

Friday 30th October

Year 7 Boys Cricket

Year 8 Boys Cricket

Thursday 7th November

Year 7 Boys Baseball

Friday 8th November

Year 7 Girls Tennis


Monday 11th November

Year 7 Boys Tennis

Year 8 Girls Tennis


Members of these teams should keep an eye out for emails from coaches and sports organisers regarding relevant meetings and training sessions. Also a reminder from Ms Boutsikakis that parents/caregivers need to log in through Compass to provide consent for these events if students are attending.


Year 8 Bounce

This term students will be working in small groups within their class, in conjunction with Hope City Mission, to raise a small amount of money to purchase a gift for a child in need over the festive season. Groups will receive a profile card of a specific child that they will purchase a gift for. Students are encouraged to be creative and collaborative in their fundraising efforts.



A reminder that with the commencement of Term 4 and the beginnings of warmer weather, students are required to wear the summer uniform. Any students not in full uniform should bring a note signed by their parent/guardian and obtain a short-term Uniform Pass from their House Coordinator prior to the start of the school day. An additional reminder that socks for both the daily uniform and Physical Education uniform are to be plain white without logos. The Student Dress Code can be found on the College website.


Josh Mitchell

Jackman House Coordinator