School Awards

Attendance, Student of the Week, Specialist, School Values Awards

Each week we celebrate the amazing achievements and successes of our students. These awards are an acknowledgement of their hard work, resilience and determination to do the very best they can!

Attendance Awards

Attendance at school is pivotal to creating ongoing positive learning behaviours. Engaging in school every day provides the very best opportunity for a child's holistic development - social, physical, intellectual, cultural and emotional growth.

The graph above represents all student absences.

Attendance Awards

Congratulations to The Legendary Learners - 3/4T16who will be receiving the 'Attendance Award' for having the highest attendance percentage for Term 4 Week 9


Student of the Week

Term 4 Week 11


Congratulations to the following students who have received a 'Student of the Week' award. 

StudentHome GroupAwarded for
SpencerThe Clever Cookies - FJ9Making wonderful progress over this year both academically and socially. Spencer has been extremely persistent in all task, and make strong relationships in the class. Awesome work Spencer!
JackMountain Movers - FL10For concentrating so well during reading sessions to achieve his goal. Well done Jack!
LeviThe Brainy Bunch - 1R6Demonstrating the school value of Relationships by helping his friends and brothers transition into their new class.
GraceThe Talented Troop - 1VB7For always showing the 4R's and being persistent in all her work.
MiaLegendary League - 2P11For showing responsibility and relationships to help her friends feel safe at school.
LeoEducated Adventures - 3/4R13For working independently on his discovery solution and showing resilience.
ShyahThe Fearless 4Rs - 3/4M14Showing excellent responsibility throughout the year and during transition.
RihannaThe Legendary Learners - 3/4T16Showing amazing resilience during transitions and approaching her learning with a positive growth mindset.
Hashir Productive Panthers - 5/6G18

For always showing the 4R’s. Hashir is determined to always produce his personal best work in every

subject. Congratulation on such a great year!

BaileyBrave Achievers - 5/6JW20For her positive and resilient approach to transition week. I cant wait to work with you next year! 

Values Badges

Congratulations to the following students who will receive a value badge.


Luka 3/4M14 - Relationships 

Daniyal 3/4M14 -  Responsibility 

Kaylee 5/6NW17 - Responsibility

Roman 5/6NW17 - Resilience