Principal's Message

Nurture.  Innovate.  Celebrate.

Dear Students, Parents, Carers and Families



Please remember the early finish for the last day – Tuesday 20th December 1.30pm.




The Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA) is a state-wide Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO) servicing children, young people, families, and community members. The largest of its kind in Australia.

VACCA have protected and promoted the rights of Aboriginal children and families for over 40 years.


Thank you parents and carers for showing your compassion and generosity once again towards others less fortunate than ourselves.  Your support in our initiatives in the Social Justice learning space has brought us closer together as a school community. 


Throughout the year we have learnt about many worthy causes. Our action this term has brought much discussion between our SRC members and school leaders.  As a school we have been delighted to find out about VACCA and hold a casual dress day to raise funds for Christmas presents for many aboriginal children living in foster care in the Dandenong area.  As a school we raised $378.00 - what an extraordinary effort!


Teaching our children to be aware and responsive to the needs of others is a powerful lesson.  As a Human Literacy School that is what we try and do for every child, every day. Enjoy the fun and very colourful photo’s below.




Our 3-day transition program we run each year has again been a great success! 


We welcomed our new 2023 Foundation students on Tuesday who spent the day engaging in lots of hands on activities and getting to know their new friends. 


During the three transition days, all of our students have been exceptionally resilient (great school value) and have enjoyed getting to know their new teacher for 2023 and any new classmates that they may have. These days are vey important to build strong relationships and connections with others. This significantly helps with making sure the start to the new year will be a smooth one!


The knowledge the teachers gain over the three days is exceptionally valuable and allows our staff to start planning for the learning ahead!


Our Year 6s transitioning to secondary school also had a very revealing but great experience for their day at their new schools for next year.




A huge THANK YOU to all of our parent and carer volunteers for the generous gift of your time and energy this year. To show our gratefulness of our amazing volunteer helpers, our assembly on Tuesday morning will acknowledge their support by presenting them with a certificate of appreciation followed by a morning tea just for them.


As a small community school, the help and support we receive from our parents and carers is invaluable. Without their generosity, many elements of our school would not be able to run or be as awesome as they are. No matter how big or small, every little bit helps and makes a significant difference.


Thank you for volunteering to help with: 

FOM Volunteers Committee

School Council

School Fete

Breakfast club


Working Bees

Fundraising events

Sausage sizzles

Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls

Athletics Day

Cross country




Year 6 Graduation

Bike Ed

Special food days 




On Monday afternoon from 2.30pm – 3.15pm, you are all invited to visit your child’s classroom to find out more about the learning they have undertaken in Discovery Inquiry this term.


Discovery learning takes Inquiry to an even deeper and holistic level. It has been developed as a transformational process that allows students to deepen their understanding of themselves, others, and their world. This leads to students creating endless opportunities to develop real-world authentic solutions to issues that they care about.

Year Group

Discovery Concept

Essential Question



Why care?

Year 1 and 2


Why move?

Year 3 and 4


Why go there?

Year 5 and 6


Does influence matter?

This provides an opportunity for all students to share their wonderful work and knowledge with their parents, carers and other members of our school community.

We look forward to seeing you on Monday afternoon from 2.30pm.





At 1.10pm, we will have a special assembly on Tuesday devoted to the Year 6s to say goodbye. This will be a special dedicated gathering so they can sing their farewell song at the end of their last day of primary school. As a school, we can wish them all the best for the future. 




On Monday evening  the FOM committee holds an AGM to acknowledge the work of the committee and to elect committee bearers for the beginning of each New Year. As part of the AGM nominations and elections were taken for the roles of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.


Thank you to the 2022 office bearers 

for your support and contribution to the school:

Congratulations to our new office bearers for 2023: 


President – Wendy Reichert 

Vice President – Kerry Donovan 

Secretary – Amy Cheers

Treasurer – Deneta Kovacevic

President – Raelene Anderson

Vice President – Jenn Fagundez 

Secretary – Bec Cheung

Treasurer – Megan Kinsella


General committee members: Claire Huijser, Lauren Matthews, Daniella George, Lucy Amorosi, Kelly Tye and Amy Cheers. 


The committee also recognised the contribution of some long standing families for their involvement with FOM over 7 to 14 years. These families are leaving the school community as the last of their children move on to secondary school next year. A very big thank you to the following families: Sheridan Morrison, Annette MacDonald, Kerri Donavan, Wendy Reichert and Belinda Ladouceur.


The committee does a brilliant job at supporting the school community each year in a range of ways across the school. Without their valuable contribution many of the school improvements and programs around the school for all students would not be possible. 


However, the committee greatly needs new members to help out and volunteer! Our FOM committee are a dedicated but relatively small group of parents so it would be fantastic if next year others would be able to join. Every little bit helps. New members and volunteers are always welcome!


If you are interested in being involved on a regular basis, from time to time or even a one of event then please contact FOM through their email at




As this will be our final school newsletter for the year, I would like thank all of our community for our first full year of school since 2019.  Despite this, we have worked together and had another fantastic year as a school community and it has been great to see our school continue to strengthen and improve. This has truly been a full community collaborative effort. 


Our amazing teachers and staff at Maramba have worked tirelessly to provide rich engaging opportunities for our students. Our parents, families and community members have supported the school and our students in a number of ways that makes a difference to all of us! 


I wish each and every one of you a very warm (fingers crossed summer finally comes) and festive holiday! Take time to enjoy the riches that only family can provide and make new memories. 


Be safe, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Take care and stay safe.



Kind regards,


Darren Wallace                    Diane Morwood

Principal                                 Assistant Principal