
Here we are again at the end of another year and what a year it was in the library. From Blind Date With a Book to Banned Books Week and everything in between. So here goes…..
With the school almost doubling in size since the library first opened, we acquired some much needed new furniture earlier in the year which has been well loved by the students (especially those who have fallen asleep!).
The librarian loves an event and were there quite a few of these in the library throughout the year! Beginning with the Blind Date With a Book which had books covered in paper, surrounded by candles (no real flames) and flowers. Students descended upon the library to snap up their next true love!
There was also the Library Trivia Master held each month and what a competitive bunch competed. Here are our monthly winners:
Deborah P, Ada H, Amelia C, Samira P and Douglas J. Our 2022 Library Trivia Master 2022 Champion with three wins this year and for the third year running is our carry over champion, Deborah P who has won the $50 Readings book voucher. Congratulations, what a champion!
The library hosted two book sales to raise funds for the library collection. They were a huge success and we were able to purchase books for the library and were also incredibly fortunate to purchase gorgeous artwork from Mariana B in the graduating class of 2022.
Next up in our eventful year, we had the infamous Banned Books Week. There were caged books, locked up books and one book lucky enough to go through the shredder for the Guess the Banned Book challenge. The winner was Delilah W who won herself a Readings book voucher and the CHS Read book bag.
During the week, we had a vote for Coburg High’s favourite book of all time. The winning book by a mile was Heartstopper which was a favourite of numerous students in the school. The Top 10 were as follows:
Our final event for the year was HALLOWEEN, the librarian’s favourite time of year. All things creepy, ghoulish and frightening were out to give a scare to all. From witches to vampires to even a traffic light and a huge dinosaur, all ran amok through the haunted library on the day.
Some of our creepier students and staff participated in the jack o’lantern carving at lunch and what diversity in the pumpkin faces.
I would like to thank everyone in the community for their generosity by donating books and funds to the library. A special thanks goes out to The Conversation for allowing me to absolutely decimate your book collection to bring here to CHS and to the Coburg Historical Society for your unending support. Without the support of this wonderful community we would not have a library.
Finally, I would like to congratulate and welcome our two Library Assistants for the entirety of 2023, Justice and Althea. You have both earned your places as my volunteers. I very much look forward to working alongside the both of you.
Until next year…..