Principal's Report

Congratulations Class of 2022
A big congratulations to our Year 12 Class of 2022. Very pleasingly, 99% of CHS students were successful in gaining their VCE this year. Our median study score was 28, just down on last year and the same as in 2020. We had seven students achieve an ATAR of 90 or above, including our Dux, Evie Taylor-Constable, who achieved a 96.15. There were 17 study scores above 40 across the cohort.
There have been some outstanding achievements in the Arts:
- Larissa Tennyson has been invited to audition for Top Class Dance, as her skills solo was scored as one of the best in the state!
- The animated short film “Beachcomber Blues”, made by our Dux, Evie Taylor-Constable, has been selected for Top Screens 2022. The film will be screened at ACMI in 2023 as part of the VCE Season of Excellence. Evie will also be panel member during the "Meet the Filmmaker" sessions. Here’s the link to the YR 12 Burgfest films in case you would like to watch/share Evie's amazing film (#3 on the program).
Coburg on the Green
A further report appears later in this newsletter, but I would like to extend my thanks to everyone involved in Coburg on the Green, it was epic! There were 300+ people at school for a wonderful evening of music in surprisingly beautiful weather. Our first ever Battle of the Bands was a highlight during the school day for all students to enjoy as well, with the two top bands dualling it out at the start of the night in a grand final.
Big thanks to Mandy for all of her work co-ordinating the Parents’ Association efforts
for this event. Thanks also to all of our volunteers. From the school side, my thanks to Gary, Luke and Anna B for their work in advance of the event as well as our amazing instrumental staff and music teachers (Anna and April).
Final Assembly
Friday 9 December was the date for our final assembly for 2022 in the Gym for Year 7 to 9 students. This was an opportunity to hear reports from all parts of the school and year levels, and to recognise our subject and values award winners. It was late notice, but it was great that Anthony Cianflone, very newly elected MP for Pascoe Vale, could attend
and speak to the students and present some awards. He was very interested in all
parts of the school.
Transition Day
On Tuesday 13 December we held our Grade 6 into Year 7 Transition Day with
around 215 eager students. This was superbly organised by the Year 7 team, led by
Kat and Ange. On the previous evening we held an online parent information
evening which was very well received by those who attended. We were able to
answer many questions and hopefully put minds at ease with our transition process.
Year 7 students will complete a three day transition program on their first days here
at Coburg High in 2023 (up from a previous two day program). There will also be a
welcome evening for all parents/carers, students and their families on Wednesday 15 February.
Student Advocacy for improved safety at the entrance to the school
The 2023 School Captaincy team (Josh, Tabby, Ezzat and Monique) met with the
previous Mayor, Cr Riley last month and on his advice they wrote to Merri-bek
Councillors. Josh and I attended the Wednesday 7 December meeting and you can see Josh's speech and Council’s response below.
We had a Council engineer visit the site last week. It is likely that a traffic count will be completed in 2023, and we are hopeful that the works to install a raised pedestrian zebra crossing can take place during next year. Well done on your advocacy, Josh, Tabby, Ezzat and Monique!
2023 Priorities
Our Leadership Team has been meeting to determine our key areas of focus for
2023, which align with our three Strategic Plan goals relating to student learning
growth, voice and agency and resilience.
Masterplan and facilities
The Masterplan process is about to be fully complete, and I would encourage you to have a read of my previous School Council report for a little more detail.
When I first came to the school partway through 2021, School Council were extremely keen to get improved facilities for our school community. It has taken a bit of time, but by the end of 2022 we have a fully complete Masterplan which sets out three stages of works, and an election commitment from the government to build the first stage, a $17.8m Technology building, which will be a game changer for our students. We would not have got this far without the advocacy from many members of our school community - thank you to those who signed petitions and wrote to politicians this year. I would also like to thank our Coburg High Engagement Group members, Cate, Fiona, Sam, Gina, Karen and Margee for all of their coordination and much hard work!
Education Plan
Look out for further information regarding CHS involvement in the development of the Merri-bek North Education Plan. Consultation with parents, students and staff will likely occur during February and March next year, with the plan developed throughout the year.
Student Free Days and Holidays 2023
We've taken on board feedback from parents, and we will publish the Student Free Days on the Key Dates page of the newsletter - it will always be the last item in the newsletter, so should be easy for you to find.
The Student Free Day dates for 2023 have been strategically placed to maximise the chances for our families to utilise long weekends, aligning with Anzac Day, King's Birthday and Melbourne Cup Day. We hope this information assists in your planning for 2023.
Given the importance of attendance, parents and carers should be aware that we will not be providing work for students where families choose to take their children on family holidays during the school term. Of course, this policy does not apply to students who are suffering long term illnesses or similar.
Student Free Days 2023
Monday 24 April
Curriculum Day - First day of Term 2, day before Anzac Day on Tuesday 25 April
Friday 9 June
Report Writing Day / Professional Practice Day. King's Birthday is Monday 12 June
Monday 6 November
Curriculum Day - day before Melbourne Cup Day on Tuesday 7 November
Friday 8 December
Report Writing Day
Best wishes for the festive season and 2023
I would like to wish all members of the school community Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and all the best for the new year.
Brent Houghton