Principal's Message

With Ms Reynolds

Congratulations on 2022!

On behalf of the staff of GEPS I would like to thank our students, parents and community for a productive and rewarding year. 

Our warm wishes go to our Year 6 students who are leaving GEPS to start a new journey - good luck and don't forget to come back to visit us!

Farewell also to those families leaving GEPS: we wish you well.


I would like to end the year by sharing my speech from Presentation Day. This was a moment when I got to reflect on the year and acknowledge the joys of our community:


Warrami mittiga gurum. Hello – good to see you, friends. Welcome to Presentation Day.


As we gather at this time of year – we reflect and celebrate.

We reflect on the year that was – what we have achieved and challenges we've overcome.

And we celebrate. We celebrate students; we celebrate staff; we celebrate families; and we celebrate what we can do when we all come together.

Most years, I like to talk about a range of highlights from the year – but this year I want to focus on one project that represents what makes us, at GEPS, special.

That’s our Read Up project – which created Story Heroes.


Read Up is a project Mrs Tainsh and I started 2 years ago. It’s a collaboration between 3 schools – us, Auburn West and Coonamble. Now Coonamble is a remote school out past Dubbo – if you get in the car and drive north west out of Granville – go for 7 hours and you’ll get there!

So the 3 schools (students, teachers, leaders and parents) have been working together to focus on the importance of reading and storytelling. This year we worked with a film company.


And together we’ve developed a short film and 8 podcasts that go live today.


Students from Years 5 & 6 from each school worked on story writing in class, then created a story each. They were submitted and 9 were chosen to be showcased (3 from each school).


The one chosen to be made into a short film was from a girl at Auburn West (Yashvi – you’ll see it in a minute), but all of the students from the 3 schools collaborated to turn it into a film.

So – for 2 days in November, this school hall was transformed into a film set - a real live film set! – with lighting, props, cameras. A professional Director was hired to come in – a props-maker, a cinematographer and a Producer.


And our kids, from the 3 schools, worked on the set.


So – I’d like to officially debut the film today!


I’m showing you this film as a representation of the opportunities we create here at GEPS.

It’s a film about a laptop. Imagine you were a laptop – what would you do? Where would you go? And how would you make friends?

In it – you’ll see some of our kids – Zainab E plays the girl; Moussa A plays the boy. You’ll see Mobina’s hands typing; and Thamanna and Schwartzie walking in the background.

It truly is an example of what's possible - and what we make happen here at GEPS.


I’d now like to share some behind the scenes – as background to the project.


That is the gift we give at GEPS – the ability to learn, grow, begin to take charge & to turn imagining what’s possible – into reality.


So, I’d like to end by thanking the staff at GEPS – the teachers and support staff who make this a great place to work and learn. They truly are an amazing group of professionals.


I’d like to officially thank and farewell 3 teachers who are leaving:

Mrs Patole – who moves to Old Guildford PS next year in their pre-school;

Ms Mapapalangi – who takes up a Year 1 class at Ringrose PS in 2023; 


Mrs Kim. Mrs Kim got a transfer to Samuel Gilbert PS – which is closer to home for her.

We thank you for your numerous contributions to GEPS over the years and wish you all the best for your new roles.


And now – let’s get on with the celebrations.

Students – congratulations on your achievements and efforts throughout the year. I am incredibly proud of each one of you.

Families - I wish you all the best for the upcoming holidays and thank each of you for being part of our wonderful learning community here at GEPS.


Louise Reynolds
