Visual Arts

Art Club
Remember that Art Club is running during lunchtimes in ART3 on the following days:
Yr7-10 Art Club day is Wednesday and VCE Art Club is Thursday.
Come along to create some artworks, meet other creative students, and have fun!
We are hoping to run a few competitions this year in Art Club too, so come along and get involved!
Year 10 Photography
Students have been busy creating 'Cyanotypes' - an alternative way of producing photographs that utilises the sun's UV rays to develop the prints. Students began by trialing and experimenting producing prints using botanicals around the school yard, before venturing out into the Seaford Wetlands on an excursion to capture photos. With these photographs, they then worked on transferring them into negatives, and using these with their newfound Cyanotype knowledge to produce brilliant and vibrant blue prints. Students had great success with this, and thoroughly enjoyed the process.
Year 9 Visual Communication Design
VCD students have been busy completing a technical drawing CAT. Students worked through perspective drawing, including an Isometric room drawing, before trialing out various rendering techniques. Students have also just completed a series of 'metamorphing' visual transitions - where they were asked to transform one object into another.
VCE/VM Art Creative Practice
This term VCE & VM Creative Practice students visited the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne CBD, diving deep into Top Arts 2023 with an interactive introduction to the exhibition of the state's best art students from 2022. This was an invaluable experience exploring the themes, ideas, materials, techniques and processes behind selected artworks and getting tips for success in VCE/VM Art Creative Practice.
Year 8 Art
Year 8 Art classes have been venturing outside of the classroom to the local wetlands behind the school, making stops along the way to observe the landscape and complete a series of structured 'en plein air' outdoor drawings. The work completed forms part of their Landscape Drawing CAT.
Year 10 Art
Students have been studying Sir Sidney Nolan, one of Melbourne's most well known artist, with a focus on his 'Ned Kelly' series. They were inspired to produce artworks relating to the themes explored by Nolan.
Year 11 Art Creative Practice
Students have recently been focussing on the Art Form of printmaking. The studied master printmaker (and painter), Rembrandt’s self-portraiture focussing on the personal perspective as well as his use of line to build tone and form via a series of pen studies. Students then created a self-portrait using drypoint etching and printing techniques with incredible results.
Year 9 Painting & Drawing
Students began by studying the Art Elements and Principles which included researching the artwork of Chinese-Australian Artist, Louise Zhang. Based on their study, they created a series of artworks focussing particularly on the elements of colour, organic and geometric shape and texture. They used a variety of Art forms and materials to explore this including painting in watercolour, drawing in pen, pencil and pastel and using collage. This resulted in some wonderful abstract artwork
Year 9 Photography
Students have been exploring the use of analogue cameras. Working through the theme of 'Weird and Wonderful Portraits', students have successfully planned a photoshoot using various props and their surroundings, and have just recently developed their black and white film. Students will use their 35mm negatives in the darkroom next term to produce a photographic print.