VCE Vocational Major

Year 11 Vocational Major students (formally VCAL) started the year being creative with their tie dye t-shirts. Some students brought in their own tops, others were orders for staff in House colours. Students did a great job following the step by step instructions which resulted in some really creative designs. Students then made tags and delivered the tops with “How to care and wash instructions”. The students were pleasantly surprised how well the tops turned out and we hope the new owners were happy too.
Yr 12 VM students had their first excursion out for the year to complete the 1000 steps in the Dandenong Ranges National Park. The students participated in the hike and then enjoyed a BBQ. The purpose of this excursion was to explain the organisation involved in planning and implementing an excursion so that in the future students will be able to run their own excursion for the rest of the class to attend.
Matt Clark
Vocational Major Leader