Other School News

iCreate Hip Hop Workshop
Icreate – ‘Hip Hop’ workshops at Ascendant Dance Company Studio 3/73 Main Road, Clayton. The year 10 students are photographed with renowned dancer, choreographer and teacher Gina Michael. The students are participating in an 8 week ‘hip hop’ dance workshop where they will learn skills in coordination, dance routines, increase their fitness and most of all boost confidence as well as self -esteem.
The first workshop took place last Wednesday, the students were pumped with excitement and full of smiles. They did say how tiring it was especially when they had to practise for 2 hours. Off course with a break in between. I hope the love of dance is infectious and gets other students exited to try out ‘hip hop’.
What started out in 2022 as a one-off trial workshop during the ‘Yishu’ Arts Festival has now led to sequential dance sessions with the studio. ‘Hip hop’ is a cultural movement that attained widespread popularity in the 1980s and 90’s. The musical style has become since then a long lasting influential art form.
Ms Helen Ifandis
Year 11 & Arts Coordinator