Principal's News

Dear Parents/Carers,

As I begin my 21st year as principal of this fantastic school, can I share that watching 5 and 6 year olds take their first tenuous steps through the school gate still brings me a lot of joy? Mums and Dads did a great job in preparing the kids for their big day and then wisely making prompt exits so that the children could settle quickly into games and conversations with their peers and teachers.

I also get a great kick out of reuniting with these kids, hearing about their holidays, teasing them about how much they missed me and having the tallest Grade 5 and 6 kids line me up to see who is taller - that never seems to get old. 

Can I also share that, in order to write these newsletters I have found it prudent to look back on newsletters from previous years in order that I remember to tell all new families everything you NEED to know at this time of the year and what I know I can save for another week or two. For instance the first newsletter last year began with a lot of details about vaccinations and air purifiers and restrictions on what we couldn’t do. Now, I had my second bout of Covid during the holidays so I am aware that it is still circulating. However, to be able to contemplate a “normal” school year ahead makes me smile.

We were delighted to welcome 54 Foundation students as they commenced their educational journey with us at Sacred Heart Yesterday. 

We also welcome the following classroom teachers:

Hayley Everitt - Foundation

Lauren Campigli - Grade 1

Shantelle Finn - Grade 4

Jayden Tebble - Grade 5 and

Tom Rieniets - Grade 6

who have all joined our teaching team this year. Mrs Daffy and I were only talking yesterday about stories from the weekend television news about schools beginning 2023 without enough teachers to staff the school. While we at Sacred Heart feel absolute confidence in the teaching staff that we have engaged with the sacred duty of guiding and teaching these precious children. We are very lucky.

We all come to Sacred Heart to “have fun and learn stuff” - Life’s too short for anything else.

HATS Sacred Heart is a “SunSmart School” and as such we have a policy that all students should wear a hat whilst outside playing at recess and lunch times during first and fourth terms. Children who do not have a hat will be instructed to play only in shaded areas such as our courtyard.

Please ensure hats are CLEARLY NAMED. Hats will be kept at school during both first and fourth terms.

END OF DAY ROUTINES Consistency and Predictability are the key themes to enable us to ensure each and every student catches the right bus or is delivered to the car every afternoon. At the end of each day we will continue to utilise four main Exits:

Our Prep Gate is for families who have a child in Foundation in 2023. Brothers and sisters of Foundation students should also use this exit. If your youngest child is in Grade 1, and you normally collect your children by car I would suggest that you use this week to start using either “Crossing 1” or the “Gym Gate” as your new “Collection Point” This will leave the area immediately in front of the school free for this year’s Foundation students and their siblings.

Bus children will continue to meet Mrs Daffy at the “Bus Gate” on Pound road.

Crossing 1 (Hart Street) refers to the parking area along both sides of Hart Street, but north of Pound Raod along in front of Trinity College.

There may well be some teething problems as these routines are settling during the next couple of weeks but we ask everyone to remain patient and courteous as we endeavour to deliver all students safely to their ride home from school each day.

Gym Gate

Children who do not have any siblings at Trinity College may like to meet one of our teachers at the Gym. Their parents will be parked along Pound Road. The teacher will escort the children to the footpath in this area for collection.

Please note the eastern side of Hart Street, immediately across from the school, is a

NO STANDING ZONE from 3:00pm till 4:00pm Monday to Friday. It is unsafe and unlawful for parents to park on this side of Hart Street between 3:00pm & 4:00pm as it may encourage children to run across this very busy section of road.

To ensure a smooth and safe flow of traffic after school, vehicles should approach this dismissal point from the south (Irrewillipe Road end of Hart Street.) U turns on Hart Street, particularly using Deans Court, are very dangerous due to the fact that many of our students will be walking across at this spot at this time of the day.

As already stated; consistency and predictability are the keys to a safe end of day routine. If children are collected from the same point every night they quickly learn independence in this matter – they know where to go and feel confident about what they are doing. However changes will be necessary from time to time, e.g. medical appointments, after school activities etc. When this happens it is very important to let us know via the following options;

Email - (our preferred method of communication) or a phone call to the School office - Ph: 52315292 - PRIOR to 3:00pm.

BUILDING PROGRAM Work began on the construction of a new toilet block, classroom and meeting spaces. Of course this will mean a few disruptions, some longer walks and sharing our space with the builders, but we look forward very much to the completion of this program, the latest step in the realisation of our current Masterplan.