Upcoming Events

Please add these events to your calendar, if relevant

2023 NCS Swimming Carnival - Friday 3 February

ATTENDANCE: Is expected from all Years 3-12 students (Seniors are required to attend as competitors or helpers).


PRE-CARNIVAL EVENTS: Students participating in the Open Secondary 200m Freestyle, Primary/Secondary Individual Medley and Primary/Secondary 50m Butterfly events will need to be at the pool by 8:00am.


TRANSPORT: Students must arrive at school by 8:15am ready for departure at 8:30am. They will travel to and from the venue via bus from NCS. Buses will leave the pool in time to connect with after-school runs. For any parents or carers who are transporting your child/ren to and from the pool, please inform the school by providing a note.


PRIMARY EVENT NOMINATIONS: Every year we are amazed by the participation of our students at the Swimming Carnival. We ask that you speak with your child about the events they are capable of completing using the correct stroke. Please indicate the events your child would like to compete in by completing this form: https://forms.gle/jMn3PT1MyTC4DtidA no later than Friday 9th December 2022.



  • school sports uniform including a hat, house buff bandana or suitable protective clothing in our house colours (Nebo - green, Sinai - yellow & Zion - purple). Students have also been given a house buff bandana at the beginning of 2022. The expectation is that students will wear these to our official sporting events. Replacements can be purchased via the online uniform shop.
  • appropriate swimwear, towel, sunscreen and hat (please see the attached Excursion Clothing Policy)
  • goggles and swim caps are optional 
  • packed recess, lunch and refillable drink bottle


PROGRAM OF EVENTS: Will be released at the start of 2023.


HOUSE POINTS: Points are awarded for participation in events, best dressed house as well as for house participation/encouragement etc.


WET WEATHER: Students should be prepared for a variety of weather conditions. The carnival will go ahead, even if it is raining, as long as it is considered safe to do so. 


ZONE SWIMMING CARNIVAL DATES: The best swimmers in each age group may qualify to represent NCS at the South Coast Christian Schools (CSSA) Zone Swimming Carnival that is to be held at Nowra Aquatic Park on: Primary and Secondary - Monday 20 February 2023.


Whole school events

Monday 30 January Years 1 -12 return to school 
Friday 3 February NCS Swimming Carnival (Years 3-12)
Monday 6 February Kindergarten starts school