Learning @ Friends' 24 Plus Program

L@F24+ Update - Wednesday 21 December 2022
As previously mentioned, the Learning @ Friends’ 24 Plus (L@F24+) Program is the reorganisation of secondary year groups across the school with Years 9 through to Year 12 to be based on the Commercial Road Campus and Years 7 & 8 on Argyle Street. This year group structure is set to be introduced at the start of 2024, with program implementation continuing in 2025 & 2026.
We are grateful for the hard work and collaboration between staff, students and parents in recent months as part of the design and engagement phase of the L@F24+ Program. Although each school term keeps us busy with a full learning program, we have particularly appreciated staff efforts to progress this program and support colleagues.
Below are some key updates for each working group that we would like to share with you:
Staff Leadership
The redeployment process and discussions with impacted Heads and Deputy Heads of School has progressed well in recent weeks. We are delighted to announce that Adam Chambers has been appointed as Head of Campus Years 9 to 12 and Lindy Gannon as Head of Campus Years 7 & 8, formally commencing at the start of 2024.
The appointment of Adam and Lindy is the culmination of an extensive redeployment process, as part of the L@F24+ Program. The School is delighted to have Adam and Lindy’s experience, leadership and shared vision to help guide and implement the L@F24+ Program. Importantly, we are pleased to have these talented educators lead the secondary years staff to enable the best learning and development environment possible for our students. The full announcement is provided in the following link.
These important positions will have a key role in the implementation of the L@F24+ Program over the next 1 to 3 years. We hope to provide an update in the near future about the Deputy Head of Campus (Secondary Years) positions.
Years 9 to 12 Curriculum and Timetable
A couple of weeks ago our Director Teaching and Learning Phil Rogers provided a presentation to staff regarding the working group discussion and ideas for the Years 9 to 12 curriculum and timetable. The following video presentation and excellent presentation information provided by these groups outlines the discussion, concepts and considerations. There has been significant discussion and great ideas put forward, but there is still much work to be done with the Years 9 to 12 curriculum and timetable. There are also questions and areas still being grappled with, so we continue to seek feedback and ideas. The groups have looked at what other schools are doing, incorporating a strong focus on health and wellbeing and how to strengthen the framework and opportunities for students in Years 9 to 12.
Year 7 & 8 Curriculum and Timetable
At the end of November, a number of staff from the Year 7 & 8 Curriculum and Timetable working groups presented to staff some concepts and framework for 2024 and beyond. We have provided a link to the excellent presentation and information provided by these groups. Some important aspects to note:
- Slides 5 & 6 set out the key components of a Year 7 & 8 Program.
- Slides 7 to 9 outline the benefits of a key teacher model.
- The second half of the presentation outlines a timetable model to support the proposed curriculum program and pastoral care model.
- The last 5 slides provide some thoughts and discussion on the transition and areas that still need thought and discussion.
- The Year 9 to 12 curriculum discussion and planning will also impact the 7/8 program planning and development - there is still much work to do - but we are making great progress!
The depth of thought, discussion and ideas that have been provided bring us very close to a recommendation for a new curriculum framework and structure.
The Facilities Working Group current focus includes overseeing the commencement and completion of the Science N205 project upgrades in North Block. The group is also looking at future 2024 and beyond master planning for the campuses and how the minor work and maintenance program can support L@F24+ during 2023.
The Student Leadership and House System Group working groups have met recently and the input from students and staff was very valuable and insightful. There is also considerable research and consultation being undertaken on other school models. ALong with the input of more students in the new year, we look forward to providing a face-to-face update from these groups early in 2023.
With respect to communication, we can advise the following future activities and initiatives:
- A survey will be conducted early Term 1, 2023 to provide another channel for input and insights.
- There will have more face-to-face opportunities to learn more about the program design and implementation aspects.
- More student voices and input will be sought in early 2023. This input will continue well beyond 2024.
Recently, we received an update from John Hoggart (Deputy Head of High School - Curriculum) about his involvement in the Year 7 & 8 Curriculum and Timetable group to date. We feel it displays the passion he feels for the work that is being done, but more importantly, the positive and active collaboration and input from staff. As John articulates, this program is the beginning, not the end, of the journey.
The L@F24+ webpage also includes a google enquiry form for anyone to ask questions or provide feedback. We encourage you to ask questions and provide feedback via this form. If you have any queries in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact the Program Leader Shaun O’Rourke, Program Coordinator Lyn Tunbridge or Director of Community Engagement, Bill Avery.