Junior Classroom News

F/1/2 News


The F/1/2 students have had a great start to the school year. They have all settled in and are getting along great. The first few weeks are focusing on developing classroom routines and understanding the school PBIS of caring for self, caring for others, caring for learning, and caring for environment.

We had our first Walker Learning session today, where the students are developing their spatial awareness as they move around the new spaces and forming friendships based on their interests. In Maths we have also started learning about numbers and quantities.









                             3/4 News


Welcome to the 2023 school year!

The grade 3/4 class had an excellent day getting to know the new classroom 

and their new teacher Mrs Brook. 

We were all excited to share about our holidays and can't wait to get into some recount writing to share all the exciting things we have done. 

Our spelling pattern this week is 'a as in banana' . 

We had a lot of fun making bananas with our spelling words on them.