Malgobila News 

Years 10, 11 & 12

Musing From the Senior Hub

Well, with only three more weeks of term 1 you may be wondering where on earth has that time gone? I promise you, that is exactly what we are thinking here in the Senior Hub.


Although it seems the year has only just begun, we are putting into place the 2020 program for Year 10 students to select future pathways starting in 2021. This will involve learning about what options are available through VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education), VCAL (Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning) or VET (Vocational Education and Training) pathway. As a parent/carer, please stay tuned as we begin to roll out information that will assist you to work with your child to navigate to a pathway that best suits your child’s future aspirations. Although it seems early to start this process, early preparation supports the work the College does to provide subject choices along with  resourcing and staffing.


Year 12 VCE students have been put under the pump due to a series of workshops offered by outside professionals, designed to assist students with organisation and study skills as well as lift their game when it comes to English results. Teachers have received extra training to support students to embed strategies in their everyday school life. There have been a few whisperings about 'The GAT', which will take place on Wednesday 10th June. Students will receive some very explicit advice and information on what 'The GAT' is and the purpose of it...stay tuned.


Something that Bairnsdale Secondary College takes enormous pride in is the dedication that staff have for students. Teaching and support staff have high expectations of students and do their absolute utmost to ensure students get the right assistance and support to achieve their best. Please remember that the College has a regular English study session on Wednesdays after school, and Maths and other subjects on Thursday after school. Students from all year levels are very welcome to attend these study sessions to support their learning.

Student, Parent and College Communication

The College understands that meeting face-to-face usually facilitates more effective communication than phone or text conversations. The College encourages face-to-face meetings with parents and students as this supports the idea that staff members, parents and students must work as a team to best support student learning. If parents/carers wish to meet with Hub staff or teachers, this is most efficient and productive  if an appointment has been arranged ahead of time. 

Ross Huggard at BSC

Last week Ross Huggard, former English Assistant Chief Assessor, worked with our students and those from the entire Outer Gippsland Region to build on skills and knowledge to achieve success in Year 12 English studies. Ross brings a wealth of knowledge of the current study design to the region, and students gained valuable insights into how to maximise their potential. We look forward to a range of sessions with Ross in the coming months at BSC.

Help! I have a Health Question!

Nurse Sophie and College Dog Charlie are running Tuesday lunch time 'Help I have  Health Question' sessions in the Senior Hub movie room. 


In these sessions, Sophie will have relaxed and open conversations about a range of topics addressing the anonymous questions students have placed in the blue  box at the Senior Hub. All senior students are encouraged to attend whether they have submitted a question or not!