
Mt A’s swim team has been attending Swim Fit on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7.00 to 8.00am with coach Pete, as well as lead-up meets to prepare for CaSSSA. Then last week the day finally came for our team to compete and all their hard work paid off. The girls placed fifth overall after placing last for the past few years, and the 17 age group placed fourth in its division. This is a great achievement and outstanding effort from our team. Especially in the relays portion of the competition, the girls really came together and tried their best.
The interhouse swimming carnival took place the Friday before CaSSSA. Well done to Spoleto winning third place, Belle Prairie and Rieti tied for second, and Perugia winning overall. We hope to see even more girls swim next year.
Kathryn Arcadio and Bella Collins
Swimming Captains