Sport Development Leader

What a term it has been so far for our sporting students! While the weather may be not the best right now, we have managed to play almost every game and fixture this term. What is more pleasing is the results we are seeing each week. Our teams are committed to playing to their best, and the desire to compete well is resulting in Mount Alvernia College teams mostly in the upper reaches of the results table. With two more rounds of CaSSSA sport remaining this term, we wish all the teams good luck with their goals of a premiership title.
In further success, our CaSSSA Swimming team competed very well last week, placing fifth overall - one of the College's best results over the last fifteen years. Our Captains, Bella and Kathryn, along with coach Peter Dale, should be very proud of the team- we no doubt will be trying to build on this in years to come. We now turn our CaSSSA interschool attention to Cross Country. Keep your eyes on Student Notices and the poster for information and opportunity on how to qualify for this team.
We have our last trial tonight for Term 2 sporting teams. We are pleased at the turnout to trials and are looking forward to building on Term 1. This will mean that Term 3 sports will be released in the coming week, so please take note of the closing date for nomination as we have tight turnarounds this year between sports. We are sorry for the students who may have missed Term 2 sport by missing the cut-off.
We have a new program at the College this term. Lauren Bensted (Year 12), has led a twelve strong group of students in Dance and they are not far from their first performance. Rumour has it we may just see them onstage ourselves at the next sporting assembly. Great work, Lauren.
A reminder as we enter the exam stress, exercise is proven to help reduce stress and anxiety and should not be overlooked. The key to a balanced life is managing time to keep your personal fitness and sport commitments ticking over during these times. Try and find that twenty-minute window each day to keep the body active, and the mind will thank you come exam time.
Best wishes for exams and upcoming sport.
Josh White