Message from

the Deputy Principal 

Mr James Boyd

International Women’s Day 2021

Monday 8 March is International Women’s Day (IWD), and the theme is #ChooseToChallenge. IWD is a global day where we celebrate the achievements of women. The day serves as a call to action for accelerating women’s equality around the world.


The theme ‘#ChooseToChallenge’ is a powerful one. As we know, a challenged world is an alert world. We all have a responsibility to choose to challenge, to call out gender bias and inequality when see it occurring. Silence can be viewed as acceptance, and we need to move away from this mindset. By adopting an approach where we all choose to seek out and celebrate women’s achievements, we are making significant steps towards an inclusive community. 


As the IWD team have stated: ‘From challenge comes change, so let us all choose to challenge’.


Speed Limit on Campus


Earlier this term, Mr Trevor Delbridge communicated with parents and carers regarding the speed limit on campus. Please can I remind families to adhere to the speed limit and ensure that the campus remains a safe place for all. In recent days, there have been cars exceeding the speed limit by 15 km/h. This is occurring early in the morning and also in the evening – we have members of our School community about at this time and their safety is our priority. The speed limit is in place at all times during the day.


COVID Testing Policy Update


From Monday 22 February, the School will no longer require siblings who are symptom free to remain at home whilst waiting for the COVID result of a household contact. 


Please note that the School continues to monitor and plan for any changes in local circumstances that may arise, including changes in health advice or local restrictions. The School may revert back to asking siblings to remain at home based on the information provided from NSW Health and with the safety of students and staff as our highest priority. 


A reminder regarding students who are unwell


If your child is sick, they must not come to school. You must keep them at home and away from others. As a boarding school we are still classified as a ‘high-risk’ setting and it is imperative that if either staff or pupils are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19 then they should be tested at a COVID-19 clinic. 


The symptoms of COVID-19 include: 


• fever (37.5 ° or higher), cough, sore/scratchy throat, shortness of breath and loss of smell or loss of taste.


Other reported symptoms of COVID-19 include: 


• fatigue, runny nose, muscle pain, joint pain, diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting, or loss of appetite. 


The negative COVID-19 test result must be sighted and received by the school – please email to – before students return to school.