Senior School Notices

'Future Proofing' Study for Year 8

We’re thrilled to announce that our school is taking part in Australia’s largest ever wellbeing study for high school students – the ‘Future Proofing’ Study. We’ll be working with the Black Dog Institute and UNSW, along with 170+ other schools, to improve the mental health and wellbeing of Australian teenagers. 


We all know 2020 was a difficult year and the wellbeing of our students has never been so important. That’s why we’re encouraging all Year 8 students to participate in this study. Participating students will try out new mental health apps and complete surveys about their health and wellbeing at school until they are in Year 12. The surveys will ask about a wide range of issues important to young people, including health, emotions, friendships, school, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Students need parent permission and a smartphone to participate. Please follow this link to read the study information sheet and complete the consent form:


We hope you consider your child’s participation in this study. Even before COVID-19, research was showing that mental health concerns in teenagers are on the rise. Our school is keen to be part of the solution. 


If you’d like to learn more, please feel free to watch this short information video from the research team:   

Duke of Edinburgh - Adventurous Journey 

As part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award participants are required to undertake an Adventurous Journey (AJ). Students in Year 9,10 and 11 who are enrolled in the Duke of Edinburgh that wish to travel to Kosciuszko National Park to complete their AJ are asked to email Mr Callaghan- ASAP. 


The expedition will be capped at 16 students. Participants will camp in the National Park and complete day trips over the three days with a major hiking component each day. The Duke of Edinburgh Award requires participants to self-cater for their AJ. This AJ is for Non-Cadets who will not be involved in Camps week.


Dates: Sunday 28th March- Wednesday 31st March

Location: Kosciuszko National Park

Cost: Approx. $150.00

Homework Club (HWC) is back up and running! 

Now located in the Library Seminar Room, HWC is a great opportunity to receive assistance in completing homework and assignments. We run Monday and Wednesday, 3:30pm - 5:00pm, for all Senior School students. If sport/cadets is cancelled or runs on irregular days, Senior School students are invited to attend on Tuesday and Thursday as well. No sign up needed and afternoon tea provided. Any questions can be directed to Tina Moshkanbaryans at 

Studying Science is chicken feed!

Year 7 have begun the year in Science well, exploring the scientific method and learning about working scientifically. Students are collaborating to investigate the effect of a high protein diet on the growth of chickens. Students have been monitoring mass changes in the chickens fed on high protein diets and comparing data with chickens on a lower protein diet. Students will process data after a few weeks, practise drawing graphs, then interpreting and analysing results.