Kharisma Kids - OSHC 

Week 7 @ Kharisma Kids

Our theme for this week was “Bodies of Water”

Tuesday we looked at the Ocean, the largest of all bodies of water on the planet. We have 7 oceans around the world.

  • the Arctic Ocean.
  • the North Atlantic Ocean.
  • the South Atlantic Ocean.
  • the Indian Ocean.
  • the North Pacific Ocean.
  • the South Pacific Ocean.
  • the Southern (or Antarctic) Ocean.

The children made a jelly fish / octopus craft.  Made from egg cartons, google eyes and reusing bubble wrap we received in some postal items.


Wednesday we looked at lakes. Lakes can be called many different names around the world.  Pool, Tarn, reservoir, lagoon, waterhole, moana, sagar, mere and Loch.

The most famous Loch is a body of water in the Highlands of Scotland….The Loch Ness. Most famously known for the Loch Ness Monster. (Our craft for the day)



Thursday we went off to visit the river or creeks of the world. Offering a platypus and hippo craft.  The platypus activity was a favourite choice of the children in attendance on the day. Poor hippo didn’t get a look at. 


Fun Fact: The duck-billed platypus is one of two egg-laying mammals left in the world, the other being the Echidna.


Friday we looked into the pond. What we saw were tiny tadpoles that turn into frogs.

Friday was left for the children to finish up any crafts they didn’t manage to complete during the week. 


Yummy Cake for Afternoon Snack


Next week we are looking at the Desert. With some the activities including Sand Art Pictures, Paper plate Cactus, Heiroglyhs, Egg carton Camels and finally the Pyramids.


Rob, Lucas, Marlene

Kharisma Kids Team