Classroom News

Room 31
Drug and alcohol is a major focus for the year 6/7’s in room 31 this term. We looked at smoking and the effects on the body as well as anti-advertising and government strategies that are helping to reduce the number of smokers worldwide.
With the introduction of plain packaging on cigarette packs, we created our own to deter future smokers from picking up the deadly habit.
This is a sample of what we came up with.
Discovery Time with Rooms 4 and 19
This term in Discovery time, we are focusing on “Our place in space”. We spend two lessons with our buddies to discover with them and have collated our wonderings about this topic. We are working together to investigate where we live and the stories about places around us.
We are collecting information about ourselves, drawing our rooms, our houses, our streets, our town and city, our state, our country, the Earth and the universe. We will be making artwork to tell stories about these places.
Room 19 have written books to share with their buddies and are now making story tables that our little buddies can play with. A lot of planning and making are happening right now to share in Week 7.
Being creative has proven to be a long process!
Rooms 4 and 19
Health NEWS Week 5
Health this term is getting busy!
Receptions have been doing some deeper thinking about how their senses can help to keep them safe and healthy. They have been reflecting on sight, sound, taste, touch and smell and what they tell our brains to do when we come across something that may be unsafe to be near or to eat.
Year 1 and 2 classes are reflecting on different health messages that our community has been exposed to through TV ads. Recently the focus has been on developing their understanding of a balanced diet and how all the five food groups are important for our bodies to grow healthy and strong. They tried out a healthy roasted vegetable pasta salad in week 3 which was a big success!
Year 3 and 4 classes have been working through a program by the Heart Foundation, unpacking the importance of breakfast and physical exercise. Some key facts we have been focussing on are:
- A healthy breakfast provides a quarter of our daily energy and nutrition needs and provides a kick start for our day.
- Healthy breakfast is linked to improved concentration and our ability to learn.
- Skipping breakfast increases our likeliehood to snack on less nutritious food, therefore leading to less energy and less physical activity.
It is so important that our students are getting a healthy start to their day!
Year 5-7’s have been focussing on online safety and awareness and we have had some excellent discussions about appropriate behaviours online and what we can do when we notice people doing the wrong thing. Later in the term, we will be having a visit from the Life Education team that will support our understanding of cyber bullying and possible online problems that students can face.
Some websites to help and give advice to parents/caregivers, teacher and students are:
Hope you are all keeping safe and healthy!
Mrs Foley
Room 5A
Room 5A have been busy this term learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We have learnt that 2D shapes are flat and 3D shapes are solid. In Maths, we have also been looking at Ann Baker’s strategy of doubles. Students created their own butterflies with double facts on them. Students enjoyed participating in shape art experiences. Our science topic this term is ‘What things are made of.’ Students have been exposed to different materials and have sorted them into the appropriate categories.
Room 13 + Room 14
In rooms 13 and 14 we have been focusing on reading and inferencing in our Daily 5 lessons. Each day we rotate 5 groups and each day students do activities from:
· Read to Self
· Read to someone
· Work on Writing
· Guided reading
· Word work
One of our sharing topics this term has been to bring a favourite book from home to share to the class. We had some great books to look at this week.
In library time we encourage a student to read to the classes for shared reading. We listen for expression and correct punctuation.
Reading a Big book each day is something both our classes enjoy. Each week we focus on a different book and look at different ways to view and read the book. We start with a preview, reading the text, focus on punctuation, expression and we even change words in our stories to make meaning of text we are reading.
One of our genres we are learning and writing about this term is Procedure. We have been doing some great science experiments where we have to follow procedures and we have been talking about procedures we need to follow each day.
Room 3
Over the last 2 weeks we have been learning about different ways to make a pattern. We have been using the ‘Natural Maths’ strategy for teaching this concept. The students have been using resources within the classroom such as, counters and beads. They have also been given the opportunity to use some natural resources from outside, such as leaves, sticks, pinecones and rocks. They were asked to label their patterns with numbers, in order for the students to identify the start and end of their pattern. The students really enjoyed having the opportunity to work together and were proud of their achievements. Well done room 3!
Room 17
Reconciliation Week
with Aunty Irene and Karen Ahang
This week is Reconciliation Week. This is a time to think about the stolen generation. The theme of Reconciliation Week this year is Don’t Keep History a Mystery. On Tuesday we did an activity with Auntie Irene where we discussed facts and recorded these on a paper magnifying glass. We also talked about how the stolen generation would feel and that some people are still looking for their families today...
Room 10
In room 10 we have explored how living things grow, change and have
offspring similar to themselves. We have been interested in our learning about
frogs and their life stages, as well as the different species of frogs including
the Water Holding Frog. This led into our learning about the Dreamtime
story, Tiddalick the Frog. We then created our own puppets.