News From the Principal

Dear Families,
Classroom Numbers / Year Levels
At our last Governing Council meeting, there was a request to inform the community of which year levels were in particular classrooms. At Largs Bay, we have always referred to our classes by Room numbers (eg Room 3 = Reception). The year levels change each year but the classroom numbers remain the same.Below is a list of the Room numbers with the Year Level (s) alongside for 2018. I hope this helps.
Swimming Week
Our Rec – 3 swimming program commences next week at the North Adelaide Aquatic Centre. This year we have extra room on the buses if parents are interested in travelling with their child (ren). If you are doing so, you should have already informed the class teacher. We look forward to a busy and exciting week!!!
Parent Reading Workshops
In Week 7, we will be offering 2 Parent workshops to provide an insight into how we develop the love of reading at school and how we use data to support student learning. There will be a morning and afternoon session. The sessions are aimed at parents / caregivers of our Junior Primary children. More detailed information will follow next week. We look forward to seeing you there.
Reconciliation Week
This week we have had a focus on Reconciliation, with this year’s theme being “Don’t Keep History a Mystery”. Throughout the week, all classes have been working with Auntie Irene and Karen Ahang. The focus has been on a Ngarrindjeri Dreaming Story. The week will culminate with our Reconciliation assembly.
Picking Students up Early
It is school policy that if a child needs to be picked up early between 8:40am and 3:00pm, you must come to the front office to sign the student out. We will then organise for the student to come down to the front office where they will be taken from. Under no circumstances can a student be taken directly from the class or the yard. Thank you for your co-operation.
Parent/Teacher Interviews
A reminder that interviews will be taking place in Weeks 9 & 10. Online bookings can be made from next Monday 4th June. There will be the opportunity to book interview times with other teachers including our NIT specialist teachers. All reports will be distributed prior to interviews. The interviews are an opportune time to gain valuable feedback about your child as we approach the half way mark of the year. We look forward to seeing as many parents/caregivers attend the interviews as possible.
Pupil Free Day
A reminder that next Friday 8th June is a Pupil Free Day. Of course the following Monday is a Public holiday and so students will not return to school until Tuesday 12th June. All staff will be engaged in Professional Development , including Writing, 3D printing, Report Writing & Data Collection.
Please note that our OSHC service will be closed on the Pupil Free Day.
Vacation Care
A reminder that our July Vacation Care program will be released tonight and bookings can now be made.
Once again, it is a very exciting program with both excursions and in-house activities during the 2 weeks.
Please book early to avoid disappointment.
OSHC will be closed on Pupil Free Day due to lack of bookings.
Year 6/7 Electives
As previously mentioned, each Wednesday afternoon our Year 6/7 students are involved in various electives of their choosing. I have been privileged to have a group of 14 students in a building elective that involves constructing some seating to be installed in Yard B. The group has been excellent, listening, questioning and learning lots of new skills. Look out for the seating in the coming weeks. Pictured below are some of the students working on attaching the legs to the seating.
I will be on leave next week and during this time, Bob Bowden will be Acting Principal.
Regards Mike Tate