Focus on Respect @ TCC

It has been wonderful to welcome our students back to the College for Term 2 after a well-deserved Easter break. 

Our focus for Term 1 was welcoming students back to full time learning, rebuilding trusting relationships and revisiting classroom expectations to establish a healthy and happy learning environment. 

Our Term 2 focus is all about respect and gratitude. This includes everything from how we address staff and peers to how we care for our school and our belongings. It is also about making the most of each learning opportunity presented to us. 

For the next eight weeks, staff will be encouraging and commending students who are coming to class prepared, being polite to all members of the community, supporting and encouraging their peers to do their best and being considerate while others are learning. 

We will also be acknowledging students who take pride in how they wear their uniform and represent the College. If you receive a notification about uniform, it will be that your son or daughter was in breach of our policy for the day.

We will do our best to rectify the issue here at school and ask that you have a conversation after school about the importance of wearing the College uniform correctly, neatly and with pride. 

Should any uniform items require replacing, our uniform shop is open every Tuesday and Friday from 10:00am to 12:30pm and 1:00pm to 4:00pm. Alternatively, you can order and pay for items over the phone by calling Reception on 5233 9200. 

We look forward to another productive school term. We encourage students to make the most of all learning opportunities presented to them and challenge them to be respectful, grateful and proud members of our College community. 

Natalie Holt, Director of Students