Science News

Students in Year 7, 8 and Year 10 have been learning so much about writing a scientific report for some very interesting investigations.  This has been the first assessment task for Year 7 and they have conducted an experiment on the force of gravity. Students performed like scientists as they followed instructions and did a great job of collecting and organising the data in the laboratory. They worked together and helped each other. The sections of the scientific report have been developed within some lessons and so with the explicit teaching and working closely with students to ensure their success, I am looking forward to receiving their assessment on 2nd May.  Term 2 will be available to finish the forces unit and then we have an interesting unit on the Changing Earth and maybe a visit to Cocoparra National Park.  


The three “E’s” are on the agenda for Year 8 in Term 2.  Energy, Electricity and Earth’s precious resources will be the focus of some deep discussions involving the current energy crisis and the new electric cars. On that note, we had a beautiful Easter mass yesterday and I know we would all have many Ukrainian and Russians in our prayers. The stories of so much suffering is beyond our imagination and so we must pray for them and their peace. 


The Year 9 have done an impressive job of understanding the world of Chemistry, those tiny electrons, and their motion to produce Electricity. Next term, they are in for a treat with a study of  Medical Science and an understanding of the changing Earth which again brings an appreciation and awe of natural forces like Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Marian Catholic College has the seismometer which is linked in to a worldwide network and so our students can see immediately if there are Earthquakes or volcanic activity anywhere on the globe.  How lucky are they to watch safely from afar?


Year 10 hand in their SRP which has been an independent study. They have worked hard and have come up with some fantastic ideas, definitely some very fine scientists in the making. It gives me hope that these students will contribute to solving many problems that communities will face involving sustainability, space travel and technology, but also concerning ethics and the consequences of some science that is being used, but is not yet fully understood, such as the use of nanoparticles in our foods. 


Year 11 and 12 students say that Term 1 went very fast. Hopefully they packed much brain building into a little time and are going to use the holiday break wisely. They will have some special time for friends and family, exercise and laughter but with some time available for summaries and revision. 

Next Term on 12th May and 13th May, there will be a group visiting Marian to excite the students in Year 9 and Year 10 with a Forensic Science Workshop. The cost is $15 per student and this can be paid through the office. 


A special celebration is on next weekend.  We wish Miss Rebecca Jensen our very warm wishes as she celebrates her marriage to Mr Tom Chapman, both teachers of science. Miss Jensen will return as Mrs Chapman.  We wish her every happiness and a wonderful honeymoon. 


Take care and have a restful break over Easter. Keep those experiencing hard times in your Easter prayers 

Best wishes to all

Esther Dumbleton ( Science- Leader of Learning)