Inclusive Education News

Autism Awareness Month - April

Help create a world where all people with autism can reach their full potential”

April is Autism Awareness month, and this year April 2 was World Autism Awareness Day, established by the United Nations (UN) in 2008. In general, these designations are meant to bring awareness to ”causes.” You will see a lot of blue in April as blue is the colour of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) awareness.


When the United Nations established April 2 as Autism Awareness Day, it had high hopes.

“In 2008, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities entered into force, reaffirming the fundamental principle of universal human rights for all. Its purpose is to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity. It is a vital tool to foster an inclusive and caring society for all and to ensure that all children and adults with autism can lead full and meaningful lives.”


Autism is a lifelong neurological condition that originates in childhood, and its presentation changes over time. Autism is a spectrum with social, communication, sensory and behavioural differences manifested uniquely in each individual. While we have come a long way in understanding autism, recognizing the breadth and diversity of those with it; embracing their talents, unique abilities and strengths; and addressing the day to day challenges that autistic people face.


Our MCC community includes students and families with members who have an ASD diagnosis. We are therefore vey invested in promoting an awareness of the daily challenges faced by both the individual and their family and the accommodations that we can collectively make as a community to ensure not only that their needs are being met but more importantly, to ensure that they have a voice and that their many gifts and abilities  are recognised.


Some of our initiatives include:

  1. Our electronic noticeboard on Wakaden St promotion of Autism Awareness Day (April 2) and during the month of April.
  1. Homeroom prayers in Week 11 (April 4-8) highlight an awareness of all those with disabilities including those with ASD – viewing of the following 5 minute video (a heartfelt account from a teenager)
  2. Titled ’Autism Awareness – 10 things you should Know’
  1. Forum Yr 11- another short video (followed by question time) of one of our student with an ASD diagnosis – the aim is to convey a very real and personal account
  2. Interesting fact sheets about ASD including information listing famous people (actors, scientists and mathematicians, poets etc) with a diagnosis
  3. Wrapping in blue fabric of some of our trees located in the main Quad
  1. Promotional posters in the classrooms
  2. Sale of cup-cakes (with blue icing) and  wearing of blue ribbons – Term 2, Week 1, Friday – with thanks from the Well-Being Committee. Monies raised will be donated to the Griffith Autism Support Group

Special thanks for their assistance in facilitating the above activities to Gab Abdala (Interim Leader of Faith Formation and Mission); Patricia Star (Leader of Well Being and Pastoral Care), Lisa Davis (Pastoral Care Leader -Yr 11) and to the promotional ideas suggested by parent, Dene Beltrame.


Rose Turunen

Inclusive Education Leader (Acting)


Plan for your secondary school student with disability to find work with this webinar and online workshop

NDIS Plans: Making the most of a Young Person’s Employment Supports webinar Thursday 28 April, 10-11.30am


What employment supports does NDIS fund for young people with disability? How do I build in flexibility to make an NDIS plan work for the young person? What's the difference between self managing and plan managing?


This free webinar aims to help families unpack the NDIS employment options so they can support their family member in making the most of their employment goals. It will include tips that families who have experience navigating the NDIS for the young person in their life shared with us.

We will cover:

Rose Turunen

Inclusive Learning Co-ordinator