Middle School News

Year 7 to 9

Introduction to Senior School -Attn: Year 9 parents/guardians

As you will all be aware, students in Year 9 will this year start to make some significant choices about their future Senior School pathways. With this in mind, all Year 9 students were addressed last week at their year level assembly to discuss the importance of their studies this year and the impact that their efforts and achievements will have on their choices for next year. 


We specifically explored with students the criteria that they will have to meet if they would like to undertake a VCE subject in Year 10. In addition, their Year 9 Maths results and Science results will also inform the Maths and Science pathways open to them in Year 10. These early discussions have taken place so that students understand the impact their semester 1 results will have on these choices.


The criteria for a VCE accelerated subject in Year 10 is as follows:

  • Excellent Academic Results  (This will include Year 8 Cycles 1-6 and most importantly Cycles 1-3 in Year 9)
  • 80+ across Cycles 1-3 in Year 9 in the subject area where a student wishes to accelerate.
  • 80+ across Cycles 1-3 in Year 9 in four other related subjects including English.

** Please note that other Year 8 subject data may also be referred to as part of this process.

  • Work PracticesAttitude and Effort on cycle reports will also be taken into consideration.
  • Attendance - a minimum of 90% attendance, excluding approved absences.

Decisions will be based on the extent to which the criteria have been met, as well as the number of places available. Year 11 students will always have priority placement in a Year 11 subject.


At the assembly the common misconception with students that undertaking an accelerated VCE subject will allow students to have a reduced Year 12 workload was addressed. This is not the case. Students will still be expected to complete 5 studies in Year 12. The extra subject completed simply allows for students to have a bonus subject for their ATAR calculation.


Students will be provided with further information and guidelines regarding course selections and VCE acceleration applications late in Term 2. This will be followed by extensive course counselling for every student early in Term 3.

Karen Boyle

Assistant Principal- Teaching and Learning

Year 7 and Year 9 -2022 NAPLAN Testing 

The National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students are held in May each year. In 2022, NAPLAN tests will be delivered online between Tuesday 10 May and Friday 20 May. 


NAPLAN tests assess student knowledge and skills in writing, reading, conventions of 

language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. Over time, the NAPLAN tests provide parents, teachers and the school with a rich source of information on how students are progressing in literacy and numeracy as they advance through their schooling.  Individual student results will be provided to parents and students later in the year. 


All students are expected to participate in the NAPLAN Online tests. Catch up tests will be available for individual students who are absent on test days up to and including  Friday 20 May 2022. Students are asked to make sure that they arrive punctually for each of the test sessions.  They are required to bring headphones for the Language Conventions test. Headphones are also optional for the Writing and Numeracy tests. 


The testing schedule is:


10 May

Reading (65 min)


11 May

Writing (42 min)


12 May

Conventions of Language (45 min)


13 May

Numeracy (65 min)


 *Specific test times for each year level will be published closer to NAPLAN testing period


Further information can be found in the brochure to parents. This has been distributed to all Year 7 and 9 students and is also provided in this newsletter.



Students will be provided with the opportunity to undertake practice to ensure that they are comfortable with the tools on the online platform. Familiarisation will occur in the form of Writing tests and an Omnibus test which incorporates language conventions and numeracy skills. 


All Year 7 students took part in the national Coordinated Practice Test yesterday on Thursday March 24. 


All schools took part in this event to ensure readiness of the system. No student results were recorded from this event.


Students and families may also develop familiarisation with the online platform via this link: https://www.nap.edu.au/online-assessment/public-demonstration-site


Karen Boyle

Assistant Principal- Teaching and Learning

The latest update to the Compass Parent App is here!

Student Medical Expenses

Parents/carers are reminded that they are liable for all medical expenses incurred as a result of a student’s injury or medical need, including transport costs such as ambulance costs (this may include an air ambulance should that be considered necessary). 


Parents/carers are responsible for any medical expenses (including ambulance costs) incurred if their child is injured or requires medical treatment or an ambulance while at school or participating in a school activity.


Parents/carers may not be called if an ambulance is required, until after an ambulance is called, depending on the situation. The College staff will use their judgment as to what action to take in cases of a student’s accident or sudden illness. 


We encourage parents/carers to have up-to-date ambulance cover and medical insurance.

Damage to Students’ Personal Items/Property

Parents/guardians are reminded that any personal item/property that is brought to school by a student is the responsibility of the student and is not the responsibility of the school and is not covered by school insurance. Refer to Personal Possessions Of Students Policy in the EDSC Policy handbook on the College website. Students are responsible for personal items/property they bring to school. Neither the Department nor the school is responsible if any student’s personal item/property is lost, stolen or damaged.

Privacy and Data at East Doncaster Secondary College

East Doncaster Secondary College uses several digital platforms to support your child’s education, such as Compass, Google Drive, Office 365, Edapt, Oliver Library Management System. The College has an Information Security Policy and complies with the Department of Education and Training Privacy Policy. The attached documents provide further information about these services, privacy and how data is managed.Privacy information for these platforms can be viewed here:

1 to 1 Digital Learning Program 2022

In 2022 we will continue with our whole school 1 to 1 Digital Learning Program for all students.


The purchase of these devices is crucial to the learning program as students will access eBooks rather than an extensive number of expensive textbooks.


Details of the 1 to 1 Digital Learning Program for all students and important information regarding suitable devices are detailed in the attached policy.


**Please note that the JB Hi Fi Solutions portal is no longer open for the sale of devices. This service is not available for 2022 purchases.

Student Compass ID/Library/PTV  Cards

Please remind all students that they must carry their Student Compass ID/Library/PTV  Cards with them at all times.


ALL students must sign in/out with their card at the General Office when they are arriving late or leaving early for any reason. A reminder that Year 12 students are required to sign in/out at The John Landy Centre Compass Kiosk.


The cards are also used for any student photocopying that is done at school. The EDSC Student Compass ID/Library/PTV  is also the student PTV (Public Transport Victoria) cards. They are required to carry this card as student identification while travelling on public transport.


If a student loses their card, parents/guardians are able to re-order a replacement card via the Compass parent portal.