School Council 

It was great to see the team in person again on Tuesday 15 March. It was a fitting way to farewell retiring council members of Rachel Angus and Mia Evans who both have made valuable contributions to Council over many years. 


It has been a pleasure to sit alongside them within school Council and I know that their places will be dearly missed. With these farewells came welcoming of new council members and re-elected members. 


The election of office bearers occurred on the night with Geri Sumpter being appointed as President, Bernadette Gooda appointed as Vice President and Rosa Ferrari appointed as Treasurer. All of these women have made such important contributions to Council and we are all so delighted for their appointments and know that they will represent the MGSC community greatly. 


Throughout the night we reviewed the AIP documents such as attitudes to school survey document. Which allows us to understand the areas our school needs to focus on within the coming year. 


Looking forward to another year of working alongside fellow school council members in aim to further improve our wonderful school. 


Amberley Powell (year 12)

Student member