P.E and Sport 

We have another jam packed Term of sport ahead of us! 


Whole School House Cross Country

I am thrilled to announce that we will be running our first Whole School House Cross Country event on Friday 6th May. This provides opportunity for all students to participate and be involved in our strong, sporting, school spirit. 

If you can help on the day can you please let me know.    


Summer Lightning Premiership

On Thursday 31st March, all 5/6 students and a few Year 4 students ventured to compete against other District Schools (Our Lady of Fatima, Rosebud Primary, Eastbourne, Sorrento Primary, Boneo, Red Hill) in their chosen summer sport (cricket, basketball and volley stars) Congratulations to all our students on their sporting ability, sportsmanship and team spirit. All teams played exceptionally well but a MASSIVE congratulations to both our girls and boys Volley Stars teams who won overall. 



On Friday 29th April, both Lachlan L and Alfred will be competing in the State Primary Swimming Championships. What an incredible achievement for both boys! We wish them both well and are already extremely proud of their achievements thus far.


A live stream of the competition can be watched by clicking the following link watch.SSVtv.live​

Both boys will be racing at approximately 10.35am





Over the year I would love to hear about and share your child's sporting successes. Please email me jhayes@sjsorrento.catholic.edu.au


Thank-you for your continued support

Jacqui Hayes (P.E Specialist and Sports Coordinator)