Message from the Principal Team

Principals' Update

Week 2


Building Works Update


Keith and Trish met with the VSBA and the appointed Architecture firm SXWA this week to kickstart the installation of the acoustic dampening in the school. The architects will be meeting with us again next week to finalise the scope of the works so that they can move to tender.  Initial funding for the school’s two new shade sails has also been delivered. However, given the demand on the shade sail companies completing the work, we anticipate a delay in works commencing. We are also collecting quotes in order to begin the upgrade of the junior school toilets which is being funded through the department’s minor works program

Unfortunately CNPS was not successful in securing any major works funding through the state budget released this week. We will continue to work with the department and our local and state representatives to secure further funding in the future to improve our school.


Principal Recruitment


We were advised today that Keith has been appointed by the regional director as acting Principal for term 2. 


Mother's Day Celebration in Foundation


There will be a Mother's Day celebration being held in the foundation rooms from 9am Friday 6th of May. There will be much fun to be had, so all mothers and special carers are invited to come along.


District Cross Country Years 3 to 6


Congratulations to those students who represented our school at District Cross Country today. We had  60 students attend the event at Princes Park. We are extremely proud of every student who participated in the event. 




The 2022 NAPLAN tests begin next week for students in years 3 and 5. The testing schedule is listed below and make-up tests are available for students who are absent.

  • Tuesday 10th May - Writing (Yr3 & 5)
  • Wednesday 11th May - Reading (Yr3 & 5), Language Conventions & Spelling (3 & 5)
  • Thursday 12th May - Numeracy (Yr3)
  • Friday 13th May - Numeracy (Yr5) 

Curriculum Day


On the 4th of May we held our curriculum day where we focused on reviewing and auditing our inquiry curriculum and planning inquiry units for the remainder of the year. We also spent time discussing and exploring the concept of student agency which will be a goal in our upcoming strategic plan. An extremely productive day.


Keith McNeill & Jane Bilby