PFA News

Hi everyone 

Hope you have had a lovely week.


Some important notices for next week:

The mothers Day stall is on Tuesday May 9. Please send money in an envelope and a bag to hide the gift(s). Gifts are $2,$5 &$10 this year. See the flier below for all the details :




The Mothers Day breakfast on Thursday May 11 is a free event hosted by the PFA for all the Mothers, carers and your children. Please use the Trybooking link on the flier below  to order your breakfast item. Please note that as this is a free event only choose one item. Orders must be in by Tuesday May 9. 

If there are dads in the community who can help at the Mothers Day Breakfast on May 11,  Please use the try booking link and book your time.  We need you!

More hands make light work!


 Have a wonderful weekend

PFA 2023