Year 5/6 Report

What a great start to the term! The 5/6’s are now moving into the ‘Finding out’ phase of our ‘Sustainability’ Inquiry topic. Students have already started looking into what renewable energy is and how it can benefit the planet and improve climate change. Through exploration of different texts, such as ‘Bad Future, Better Future’, students have asked and responded to questions and discussed the pros and cons of renewable energy in preparation for class debates later in the term. As the term progresses, we will move into different types of renewable energy and what can be done on all levels to help improve the impact of climate change on our environment.
Last Thursday, the students in 5/6 were invited to Rosehill Secondary College to be a part of their annual Open Day. Students were rotated through various activities taught by Rosehill’s teachers for them to experience a day in the life of a secondary student. This gave them the opportunity to participate in subjects such as science; Performing Arts; Humanities; Materials & Systems Technology; Visual Communications Design; PE and VR/Mathematics.
All of these activities had their different challenges and gave students the opportunity to work collaboratively with their peers. The open day was a great opportunity for students to try new things, take on responsibilities and put themselves out of their comfort zone. What an amazing day! Thank you Rosehill Secondary College!