Secondary School News

Linda Wakeling 

Secondary has had an amazing Term 1. Students have had many adventures both in the school and out. 


House Colour Day

This was a fantastic day for all. Students and staff dressed up in their house colours and took part in activities. Thanks to Juri for organising this day. Staff and students competed to win the best dressed awards. It was great to see all of secondary having time to celebrate and to spend time with each other for this event. We look forward to celebrating more days from the cultural calendar together. 



All secondary students visited Bounce this term to Celebrate JSA’s 10th anniversary. We split this over two Mondays. Students and staff had lots of fun playing games and doing flips and tricks. This was a highly successful day for all. Thank you to all who came along to support these days. 



A big thank you to parents who have volunteered this term to help support excursions. Our students have enjoyed excursions such as interschool sports (Advance), Polly Woodside (VPC), ACMI Federation Square, (Room 22), Broadmeadows Library and Shopping centre (several classes) and many more! Our classrooms are looking forward to many excursions for Terms 2, 3 and 4. 


Hands On Learning – Build 

It is fantastic to visit this area and to see the crazy paving and the amazing things the students have been working on. The new BBQ has been a wonderful addition to this area and will enable the classes to incorporate food and celebrations into the program. Today’s group is looking forward to tacos! 


Hands On Learning – Café

Our students have been gaining all the important skills to prepare themselves for running the canteen program. Last week they made sausage rolls which is definitely one of my favourites to order from canteen. Students have learnt how to use the equipment, stay safe and clean and to handle food safely. 


As the term wraps up I would like to take this time to thank all the staff for their support this term. You ensure our students are able to achieve goals and to regulate each day. You are there to help them through everything as they journey through their education. To all the parents, I would like to say thank you for your ongoing support. I wish you all, who celebrate it, a happy Easter. I hope you all have time to relax and make memories these holidays. 

Room 23

Room 23 have had an awesome term. We started off the year as a class of 7 but we have ended the term as a class of 8 as we welcomed a new student into our class by the name of Matias. Matias joined us at the end of February in Week 5 and loves his new school and classmates. 


In Room 23 everyone enjoys doing all the subjects that we do which include Mathematics, English, Humanities (History), PE and Health and Personal and Social Capabilities. However, Room 23 particularly loves the Living Skills Program, Stephanie Alexander Kitchen and Garden Program (SAKG) and Hands on Learning Canteen Program. This term our class has been practicing our skills in the kitchen so that we can run the canteen next term. We are looking forward to making some delicious food for everyone to purchase and enjoy.


Room 23 has had the privilege of being in charge of running the Secondary Assemblies. Each student has been given a specific section of the assembly which they have to read out. The assemblies are presented online using WebEx. Room 23 have displayed outstanding team work in preparing and presenting the assemblies. Well done everyone! 


Room 23 are looking forward to the swimming program in Term 2 (week 4) and going on excursion to Broadmeadows Library and Broadmeadows Central Shopping Centre (date to be confirmed). However, they are first and foremost looking towards their well-deserved Easter/school holiday break!