Middle Sub-School News 

Sarah Hill

Week 10


We have made it to the end of term! A huge WELL DONE to our wonderful middle school students on successfully navigating a new classroom, new teachers, new ES staff and a whole new school year. We are very proud of all of the hard work that has gone into ensuring the start of the school year has been a positive and happy one. We hope you feel you belong to your classroom, have developed some new friendships and feel settled into 2023. We can’t wait to see what the remainder of the year brings.


Holidays are a great opportunity to book in some extra time with the family, have a sleep in and enjoy taking things a little slower. Remember, we all thrive on routine, so be sure to keep doing all those wonderful things that are part of your daily schedule. 


Next term we will be participating in swimming, so in the lead up you may like to take a few visits to the local pool, to familiarise your child with the water. We will also have our termly scheduled SSG’s, for you to discuss current goals and how we can best support your child in growing to be the best they can be.


As always, please continue to communicate with your child’s classroom teacher regarding any questions or concerns, particularly if there are changes at home over the break. We look forward to seeing you all bright eyed and ready for learning come Term 2!