Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1

  • All of Room 1, for learning classroom routines and having an awesome Term 1! 

Room 2

  • Evie and Jeremy for doing great listening in the classroom. 

Room 3

  • Amel has demonstrated he can share with a peer, with the support of an adult.
  • Marshall has demonstrated he can sort objects into same and different with support.

Room 4

  • Emjay has demonstrated good listening skills as he is following instructions during eating time and other transition times eg going to the OT room. Well done Emjay!
  • Lenny has demonstrated great support in the classroom by following JSA's Expected Behaviours by looking after self, others and property. Well done Lenny!

Room 5

  • Dexter, for acknowledging when he needs a break and then re-engaging in a work session. 
  • Saven, for showing good manners and being a great helper in the classroom! Saven is always quick to offer a peer or teacher assistance when needed.

Room 6

  • All of Room 6 for working well with their teacher.

Room 7

  • Room 7’s stars of the week are… all students! For an excellent first term.

Room 8

  • All of room 8 for a great start to Term 1. 

Room 9

  • Zane for trying to include others in play
  • All of Room 9 for their excellent display of JSA expected behaviours at our Croc’s playcentre excursion. Well done Room 9.