Primary Sub-School News

Rachael Macmillan 

What an eventful two weeks the Primary Sub School has had as we finish off Term 1. Rooms 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9 had their turn to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of our school at Croc's Play Centre. It was a delight to see that the students were engaged and followed the school expectations when out in the community while having a fun day out. The students had an active day of of climbing, bouncing, running and sliding! There was something for everyone to participate in, with the enormous slides being one of the main attractions.

On Wednesday, our students participated in an Easter Hat Parade! Some students made their own hats to wear for the event and walked around our Playground proudly wearing them. It was a fun day to dress up and celebrate Easter at JSA. There have also been traces of the Easter Bunny in the Primary Corridor! 


As the term comes to an end, I wish you all a safe and happy holiday with your families, and we look forward to seeing you back at school o Monday 24th April. 


Room 5

Room 5 has had a wonderful start to the school year! The students have settled into the daily routine well and are enjoying coming to school each day. Room 5 enjoys playing out in the playground, social games, Lego, building, colouring, playing on the computer and sensory activities.  It has been great to see the students’ building friendships and showing positivity and care towards one another. We have had so many fun, engaging and hands-on learning experiences so far. The staff in room 5 are very proud of the students for their hard work and following the JSA expectations throughout Term 1!