Facilities News 

Dr Denise Clarke              Frances Hansen

Capital Works Manager     Facilities Manager


Capital Works 

Yaluk Community Hub and Secondary Classrooms

Work has re-commenced on the site this week.  Contractors are expecting delivery of the steel on Thursday 6th April. We are expecting some of the framing for the building to be visible by the time we return from holidays.

During the holidays a new electrical kiosk will be installed at the northern end of the staff carpark. This will enable extra power to be delivered to the site.


Sensory Room

The building inspector is due this week to sign of the practical completion which allows the school to take possession of the building. There will still be a few matters to be completed and these will be addressed during the holidays. The sensory room will have jumping mats and other equipment moved into it early next term. The Occupational Therapist will then set up appropriate programs than can be used by classroom staff to provide the students with physical sensory input.


Sensory room with storage joinery installed.
Sensory room with storage joinery installed.


Facilities Manager

Students are enjoying the outdoor spaces featured in the previous newsletter. The spaces are being used by staff andstudents as outdoor learning spaces and areas for students to relax.


Works planned to be completed during the term break. 

  • Birds nest swing will be installed during Week 1. We are trying to get the rubber soft fall installed during week 2 ready for the start of the new term. 
  • Many of the fluorescent light fittings in the building around the school will be replaced with LED lights under the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program.
  • Repair works around the school.