10th Birthday Celebration

During the Open Day celebration a timeline of the development of the school was presented to the gathering. Some parents requested that we share this with the whole community. So parts of the presentation and the narrative will be shared in the news letter.


This weeks theme is 2013 


These are our first Staff and Student leadership teams after the de-merger. The Principals of Jacana and Northern with de merger plaques.


As we look through the pictorial history you will see the continuing theme of Student Voice and leadership;


School leadership profile also  changes over the years.


We will mainly focus on the physical improvement at Jacana over the last 10 years through the changing aerial view of the school


The first major project was re-development of the administration and visitors car park so there was one way in from Landy Road and one way out to Leitchfield avenue


This improved the safety for parents and students and flow of traffic. 



We had great volunteers during our first year and students participated in great events.

Throughout the years the team of volunteers and fundraisers have supported the school in many ways.



The consistency of leadership and the changing of the models of leadership are seen each year as the school examined ways to improve curriculum delivery to students.

This model was the introduction of the four sub schools. 


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