P&C News 

Thank you to our school community for their support of our Spellathon fundraiser which will support the wellbeing of students in our school through our Chaplaincy program. The winning classes were:

  1. Class with the highest amount of funds raised - Prep Red
  2. Class with the most participation - Prep Blue and Prep Purple

What’s Coming Up!

Mother’s Day Vouchers went on sale on Qkr for $7 each from Monday 24 April and will continue until Friday 5 May (unless sold out prior). There are a limited amount of vouchers available. All vouchers will be delivered to your child in their class in time for their turn to visit the stall.


You are welcome to purchase more than one voucher per child for all the special adults in our lives this Mother’s Day.


The stalls open Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 May and will be completely cash free. All gifts selected must be exchanged for the voucher/s purchased on Qkr. The P&C is unable to make exceptions. It might be handy to send along a reusable bag with your child on the stall days.


If you can volunteer your time to help run our stalls, please sign up via Qkr now.


P&C Meeting

At our recent AGM our members voted to trial a change to our meeting time for this year in the hope we can engage better attendance. Our P&C does so much to support our school, the kids and special projects. It is vital our memberships grow for this to continue.


Next Meeting:

Friday 19 May, 9am, Library.

Save the Date

for our returning (out of school hours) DISCO!

Friday 16 June, School Hall.

More information to come.



Lucy Pritchard

P&C President