
Amanda West
Students will continue to explore the art elements of line, shape and colour through printmaking, painting, drawing and collage activities during Term 2. We’ll use these elements to create artworks inspired by Pablo Picasso’s cubist portraits and August Macke’s expressionist paintings. In addition to regularly sharing and discussing our work, art appreciation will be further explored during Education Week when students visit our ‘Billanook Art Gallery’ (artworks will be on display in the art room for Open Night). We’ll learn about art gallery etiquette and engage with a range of art forms through observational drawings and discussion.
Adam Kump
In Term 2, students will continue to develop their understanding of the German language via participating in interactive games, songs and role-plays. We will focus upon learning how to count to 12, read and write various colours, and to express how you are feeling. The video series ‘Deutsch mit Socke’ and the learning program ‘Felix und Franzi’ will be used to engage the students and to model the language learning focus for each week. The school values of Aspiration, Grit, Kindness and Respect will be incorporated into every lesson in order to help support and encourage students to have a go at all learning tasks.
Performing Arts
Ellie Foster
Students will continue to explore the art elements of line, shape and colour through printmaking, painting, drawing and collage activities during Term 2. We’ll use these elements to create artworks inspired by Pablo Picasso’s cubist portraits and August Macke’s expressionist paintings. In addition to regularly sharing and discussing our work, art appreciation will be further explored during Education Week when students visit our ‘Billanook Art Gallery’ (artworks will be on display in the art room for Open Night). We’ll learn about art gallery etiquette and engage with a range of art forms through observational drawings and discussion.
Physical Education
Chris Steele
In Term 2, students will continue to focus on exploring movement and physical activity. Participation will include minor games and activities to develop fundamental motor skills particularly underarm throwing, catching, kicking and skipping. This will be explored through the use of body and space awareness with equipment such as hoops, beanbags, soft balls and ropes. The concepts of teamwork and cooperation will be introduced.
Below are each class' Specialist Timetable. These also came home as a hard copy with your child.