School Update

Prep Enrolments for 2024 and School Tours
We are currently running school tours and accepting enrolment applications.
Families enrolling siblings can collect an Application for Enrolment form from the office or download from our website.
Enrolment applications for Prep 2024 will close on Friday 28 July 2023 and notification of the outcome of all applications will be provided by Friday 11 August 2023.
Annual Report
Our 2022 Annual Report has now been completed and approved by DET. Please feel free to read this report which outlines our school's performance and progress against our strategic goals, as well as student outcomes and engagement in learning and wellbeing, and our financial performance and position.
School Photos
All school photos have now been sent home (there are a handful being posted directly to parents). If you have an enquiries about your photos, you can contact MSP directly by email or 9466 7331.
Author visits
Yesterday we were so lucky to have Australian author Felice Arena visit our school. He is best known for the "Specky Magee" series. He has also written come brilliant historical books which he talked about in his presentation to our Yr 6s. He was so engaging and we learned a lot about the writing process. He has just released a new picture story book called "Pasta". A great time was had by all. Felice was very impressed by the behaviour of our Year 6 cohort.
This visit was the first of our author visits planned for this year. Jane Godwin (Yrs 2-3), Adrian Beck (Yr 4-5), Mark Carthew (Prep) and Sharon Carter (Yr 1) will all visit to speak to our students.
Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge
We are very excited to announce that the 2023 Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge is now open. Last year nearly 75,000 children completed the challenge, reading over 2.9 million books. How fantastic is that! By now you should have received your child’s log in details. If you haven’t received them, can you please contact your child’s teacher. If you are having any trouble logging on, make sure you click on School Student, then VPRC login NOT Edupass login. If you are still having trouble, please don’t hesitate to email me on Prep to Year 2 teachers will log books for their students that they have read or experienced at school and parents are very welcome to add books as well. Year 3 to Year 6 students will be required to log their own books.
Happy reading to all. Clare Bear
Vandalism around our school
We have had incidents recently of overnight vandalism. We ask our school community to be vigilant and report any incidents or information relating to such activities.
Parking and Road Safety reminder
Reichelt Avenue Kiss & Drop parking: Issues have been reported with traffic hold ups in the morning around the Kiss and Drop bays in Reichelt Avenue. Parents/Carers are reminded that the Kiss and Drop parking bays are on a time limit enforced by Council and for the safety of the students please don’t leave your vehicle parked longer than allowed which will allow the traffic to keep moving.
Road Safety reminder: We have recently had members of the public call the school about incidents that they witnessed after school. In one incident students walked behind cars parked in the car park next to the Pre-school, and in another incident students crossed the road near the Ambulance station on Grand Boulevard. They crossed at the speed hump as if it was a pedestrian crossing. Reminder to chat to your children about road safety, use the school crossing and walk on the paths through car parks.
Walk safely to school day - Friday 19th May
Next Friday we encourage students to walk to school. Walk Safely to School Day asks that we all consider our transport habits and try to incorporate more walking as part of a healthy, active way to get around. And although walking all the way to school isn’t realistic for many of us, it’s quite easy to figure out how you can build a walk into your family’s daily routine. For instance, if you have to drive, park the car a few blocks away from the school and walk the rest of the way. Regular exercise like walking with your child not only helps them (and you!) beat chronic problems like obesity, heart disease, behavioural and mental health issues and diabetes, it also gives you a great opportunity to teach your child safe ways to behave around roads and traffic. Remember, Active Kids are Healthy Kids so get planning your own Walk Safely to School Day journey for Friday 19 MAY 2023! For more information, visit
Construction of our new playground and shade sail
Construction is almost complete of our new playground. This is likely to be finished next week. The shade sail posts were installed around our existing "boat" playground last week so we anticipate the cloth shade sail will be installed by the end of May.
Queer Club
Zain Seedeen, one of our School Captains, has been working hard to begin a Queer Club at our school. Just like we have Lego Club, Lunchtime Library and ICT Club, Queer Club will be held during a lunchtime and with teacher supervision.
The aim of Queer Club is to foster a safe environment that is supportive and inclusive of the queer community. The club will be open to Years 3-6 students who identify as LGBTQIA+ and also for allies, with the main purpose to help make our school queer friendly so that students and families feel accepted and welcome at Monty South.
The club is 100% voluntary for students who are interested in joining and will be facilitated by Trish Marmo (Year 6 Classroom Teacher, Student Leadership Coordinator and Year 6 Wellbeing Year Level Leader). It will be held fortnightly for first half of lunch on a Wednesday in odd weeks (for this term, weeks 5, 7, 9).
Covid Rapid Antigen Tests available
If anyone would like additional RATs you are welcome to collect some from the office from Friday 12th May.
Canteen Notice
My Mum and I lunch order catering advise that "Due to the wholesale cost of ingredients increasing, the cost of the hedgehog slice has now had to increase to $2.50. We apologies for any inconvenience". Thank you. Madelene
Recycle your used bread bags and earn sports equipment our school!
Cardboard boxes are located around our school (office, gym) for the collection of bread bags. Please bring them in and add to our collection. Wonder's campaign is helping to reduce soft plastic waste in exchange for points to redeem for new sports equipment!
If you want more information please talk to Farmer Mike or the sustainability captains, or check out the Wonder White website. Please note - the soft plastics do NOT have to be Wonder White products - any bread bag with do, as long as it has had all food and crumbs removed.