Specialist Classes
We’ve kicked off art this term with some special Mothers Day creations. We can’t share much yet but they have been made with lots of love.
You might have also noticed our amazing new display peg boards in the foyer. We thank the amazing fundraising that parents did during 2022 as these funds contributed to the purchase of these boards. We will be able to use these boards for many things, including being able to display our amazing art creations.
This term in STEM the Grade 5/6 students are investigating Light. In order to build on what the students already know, the first lesson saw them working in collaborative learning teams to identify their preconceptions about light. It was great to see lots of robust conversations, detailed explanations, working diagrams and building on of initial ideas.
This week our school cross Country event was held at Brose oval on ednesday May 3rd. The course was 1km around Brose Oval and run track. Foundation, Grade one and Grade two completed one lap of the course (1km) with 3/4 completing two laps (2km) and 5/6 completing 3 laps (3km). We had Marshalls set up around the course directing students where to go. It was fantastic to see such an encouraging and supportive atmosphere. Congratulations to all students on demonstrating and valuing respect and sportsmanship! I would like to thank all staff and parents for helping create such a fun and special event for everyone involved, with an extra special mention to Ms Ras, Tootie and Abby for running the run club in the lead up to this event. Well done to everyone involved!